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Updated SA content 2014-12-17

First release
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Lastest ServUo server
I've seen a lot of requests
Included in this package are various updates to SA content
not yet implemented on the latest ServUo server.
{This content is a callaboration of work done by many people;
now it becomes more available to the community so it may be
improved upon.}
1. Stygian Abyss regions to add to your Region.xml found in
Data folder. These regions are specific to Imbuing & Quest
item drops.
2. Mobiles edited to drop Imbuing & Quest Items, by region.
3. Queens Loyalty System, Updated mobiles and quests to
reflect proper point distribution. Edited HousePlacementTool.cs
to block non-Termur Citizens from placing houses in Termur.
4. Updated Imbuing (if you use it) to now have a "Queen's Forge"
to be placed in the queen's castle, along with a blocker tile, to only
allow Termur Nobles to use it. The royal forge gives +2 bonus while
the queen's forge gives +5. [This is part of the loyalty system].
5. Added missing quests (2 of which are Mondains Legacy Quests).
6. Added the Fountain of Fortune to resurrect playermobiles in the
UnderWorld and to give rewards when Lucky Coins are tossed in
them. Edited UnderWorld mobiles to drop Lucky Coins.
(see PlayerMobileEdit.cs for edits, the coin drops are rare so I didn't
bother to serialize to keep edits simple in your playermobile.cs).
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