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Void Creature System 2017-02-25

Updated to work with current repo loot system.
Improved void tracking
Modified Vasanord Korpre spawning/eating to prevent over-population
Changed Ortanord.cs to further limit the number of Ortanords.
It was set to 50 and I dropped it to 5 as they should be fairly rare to come across.

To edit this yourself simply open Ortanord.cs line 10

public static readonly int MaxAmount = 5;

and change the 5 to the desired number.
removed testing edit. . . .
This update fixes a bug that can cause to many to spawn.
Updated to match stats/loot with the current repo's void creatures.

Install info:
Remove Scripts\Mobiles\Void Creatures folder
Remove Scripts\Mobiles\Normal\Ortanord.cs

comment out the following from BaseCreature.cs

#region SA
if (LastKiller is BaseVoidCreature)

comment out the following from PlayerMobile.cs

if (LastKiller is BaseVoidCreature)

Drop the Void Invasion folder into your location of choice and restart

once the server is up and your logged in type:
[Add VoidCreatureInvasionSystemController
then target the location you want to place it.
Double click it and you will see:

Active False by default set to true to enable the system
NumToSpawn If there are less than this number of void creatures in the world it will spawn 2-4 more once an hour (default is 15)
RemoveAllVoids if set true deletes every voidcreature currently spawned then sets itself back to false

This system limits the number of void creatures in the world and closely mimics the mechanics for evolving on Broadsword.

Active Shards


Total amount