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  • hello Falkor, could u target me to a working "MarterStorage" system suitable for pub 57 with the "installation" notes?
    i found this on an old your post.. but require also daat99 scripts.. anything working alone?


    • MasterStorage.rar
      43 KB · Views: 4
    Hey Falkor do you know if there is a working xantos im trying to make the old one work but i got the there is not a vita nex error
    Thanks for helping me with my door issue. I never would have figured that out. Can you help me with something else tho? i'm trying to add the OWLTR4.0 to my server. i am practicing on a fresh servuo so i don't mess mine up. How do i put the files in? do i need to do them individulally...
    Systems like this must be manually merged into the original files one at a time. The newest build does NOT like OWLTR! There is not an updated version designed for the current ServUO. I have it working on my yet-to-be-released server (built on the current repo files) but it took a great deal of customizing to make it work.

    It was far too complicated for me to try to talk someone else through.
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