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  • Hey man, you wouldn't know me but I recognize your avatar and your name from Runuo! Thank you for your hard work and all the scripts that you have written over the years! It's good to see you here still with the community. Best.
    Hi Lokai, good to see you here! Have you updated yours Versioning System to ServUO? ServUO take a LOT of time to start! These messages "Reticulating splines..." take too long, around 3~4 minutes each.
    I do have it here: https://www.servuo.com/archive/lokai-versioning.299/
    It was not updated in about 3 years though, so you might need to update it to work with the current core. I know these guys tweak the core once in a while. It's pretty easy to update however, since I generally have it commented.
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    Reactions: Nerun
    ? I sent a donation an doesn't show, I recieved a email for confirmation, just want to make sure the site recieved it
    People see the universe as either Black or White, but I don't know. I think I'm split.
    The only thing I can think of when I read this is the Michael Jackson song. Now it's in my head! Noo.....
    Had a nice Christmas with the family, as much as we could enjoy it with most of us coming down sick or with full-blown Flu. :sigh:
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    Reactions: Mogster
    It's inevitable in my family too. My dad had the flu on top of a sinus infection and both of my sons had headcolds. Was a good time regardless though!
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