Recent content by cmileto

  1. cmileto

    Ultima Adventures - A full featured, content packed offline/online server

    Love it. Play on the server if you can folks. Very worth it. Very fun.
  2. cmileto full DVD stuff (torrent)(mega)

    link is down. anyone have pls?
  3. cmileto

    a few questions

    What client are you using and getting that error? Have you tried the newest client?
  4. cmileto

    Small Castle Type Build

    Thanks Milva
  5. cmileto

    Editing Starting town after creating character

    Look in \Scripts\Accounting\AccountHandler.cs hope this helps
  6. cmileto

    EvoMerc & Deed

    sadly it cant authenticate you. Its just an archive copy. Thats what does. But its still good for information purposes.
  7. cmileto

    EvoMerc & Deed
  8. cmileto

    Server Crashing

    Have you tried recompiling the core on the win7 machine?
  9. cmileto

    Custom Maps

    PM me EtsCat, ill gladly help you out if I can.
  10. cmileto

    Custom Maps

    he has uop's up to a certain client version I believe
  11. cmileto

    Custom Maps & Enhanced Client

    As far as i know nobody has gotten custom maps working with the ec
  12. cmileto

    Sad to see the grove deleted, was looking forward to checking it out.

    Sad to see the grove deleted, was looking forward to checking it out.
  13. cmileto

    The Grove Released. [Deleted]

    Link isnt working
  14. cmileto


    i think you should look into ultima live
  15. cmileto


    Howdies and hello. If anyone is like me and still plays "osi" UO and would like to team up let me know. Ive a few mid tier characters on atlantic, its an account I started about 6 months ago, and i have actually had a blast!!, got phat loot and many toons, including a tamer, a samurai, a...

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