Recent content by frankieowns

  1. frankieowns

    Achievement System

    Ive been looking for this all over and it looks just how id like it. to bad you cant share matey :(
  2. frankieowns

    Have an idea of a reward system.

    nice mate! very kind of you :)
  3. frankieowns

    Have an idea of a reward system.

    posted in wrong forum :( sry!
  4. frankieowns

    Have an idea of a reward system.

    I have alot of friends that play and love to do quests so i thought i would reward them for doing it and ive come up with the basic thought behind it. So. I thought like this if i have a system where the player gets rewarded in points and those points to be called Devotion. You would gain more...
  5. frankieowns

    Sounds from UO

    nah its true ive heard the rat sounds in a few movies and i instantly think to myself thats from uo lol
  6. frankieowns

    Looking for Imbue Resource Box

    you still need to drag an drop ofc
  7. frankieowns

    Looking for Imbue Resource Box

    you have resource box script on runuo just change the item id to the imbue regents id should be so hard to recode it tbh.
  8. frankieowns

    Clamping down on server spam

    regarding forums just have it set so you have to give the permission to post. doing it auto with captcha is easy but in the end you lose out on the control of who is who and what they post.
  9. frankieowns

    Clamping down on server spam

    add an language filter to the translation coding where you cant use any url or other combinations like www. w w w. etc you can cover pretty much anything regarding an url thats how ive made it and it has worked so far :) remember system and speech is 2 diffrent things.
  10. frankieowns

    Trials and Tribulations of The UO Developer scene

    Sorry to hear this matey always hurt when ppl back stab you like that :(
  11. frankieowns

    OnBeforeDeath and OnDeath Method Help...

    Show the whole code please. ill have a look for you :)
  12. frankieowns

    Fortuneteller missing

    Nah was more the fact that fortuneteller aint in the servuo system :) There is supposed to be one in Scripts/Mobiles/Healers if im correct.
  13. frankieowns

    Fortuneteller missing

    Fortune teller caused a problem for me when i installed UOArchitect into a fresh copy of servuo so i figure thats missing. I just cancelled the code for the fortune teller in Mobilesaver.cs in UOArchitect folder under your custom folder. Line 110 //ConversionTable.Add( typeof( FortuneTeller...
  14. frankieowns

    Looking for something

    ok :)
  15. frankieowns

    Looking for something

    nice could you link or host it here for me? im going to add more plants so if you want them added i can sort that for you also :)

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