Recent content by fwiffo

  1. fwiffo

    UOSteam/AssistUO for ClassicUO

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available.
  2. fwiffo

    UOSteam/AssistUO for ClassicUO

    Yes, you're right, but that and all the others assistants work natively only on windows, while this is integrated within the client and can be used anywhere. It's a choice for who wants to do something; it's a lot of money? yes, but that is my request. Unacceptable? Maybe, but within my rights.
  3. fwiffo

    UOSteam/AssistUO for ClassicUO

    I wrote it, and I sell it. yes. But I'm not selling "the rights", I'm giving access to source on github for you to use for, this is a one man project. edit: accessing github also implies that there will be updates on every type of confirmed bug report (the access is on github)
  4. fwiffo

    UOSteam/AssistUO for ClassicUO

    fwiffo submitted a new resource: UOSteam/AssistUO for ClassicUO - uosteam, scriptable assistant, similar in the scripting engine to the original UOSteam/AssistUO Read more about this resource...
  5. fwiffo


    Art.mul are not streamed, UltimaLive only streams map and statics, streaming art could be possible, but to integrate that kind of work with the original client would be something that could quite require some work (not considering that changes on that file are to be fixed at connection time...
  6. fwiffo


    Hello you all, ultimalive is a system that register in CRC16 (fletcher16) the area in a 9x9 tiles (and a total of 9 blocks surrounding you 3x3), there is a little things to do with classicUO, due to it's internal implementation: - new generated maps must be consequential to the last real map...
  7. fwiffo


    actually you'll have to copy the igrping as per instruction, there is no reason for it to not work on your side, since it can handle also older files (I had old, small sized maps many years ago on my shard, and we updated maps only recently), actually it should handle everything without any problem.
  8. fwiffo


    UltimaLive has been implemented, functionally by me, inside classicuo client, developed and maintained mainly by Andrea Angelini, and by many other people around the world, it is currently in a playable state, you can see more about the project in here:
  9. fwiffo

    XmlSpawner (does compile with servuo) [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  10. fwiffo

    Automatic Translation for SendMessages

    Yes, that's however only partially true, I'm just wondering if there is something that can do this work, not online, and not a mere dictionary, but a translator, to use locally and offline. The methods are already known, but without knowing of all possible solutions it's pretty hard to choose...
  11. fwiffo

    Automatic Translation for SendMessages

    I'm talking about server unlocalized text, so system messages and eventually gump labels and html non localized (but It could be applied to client messages, so "SAY" sentences) This is actually possibile, you have three ways to do something like this working: - Razor source code is online and...
  12. fwiffo

    Automatic Translation for SendMessages

    Server side is not a preferred options, such a thing globally is HEAVY to support, what I want to achieve is something client side and if possible without the use of the internet for retrieving remote responses (that could lead to lag or delayed responses) The achievement is for automatic...
  13. fwiffo

    Automatic Translation for SendMessages

    Hello anyone, I was wondering from some time, if there is an actual way to translate automagically the "SendMessage" (string) and other strings sent by the server, and received from the client. From an actual point of view, and taking into account the ultimalive system, we could do it in two...
  14. fwiffo


    just run the CLIENT with administrative privileges...
  15. fwiffo

    XmlSpawner (does compile with servuo) [Deleted]

    you're welcome, you can download some historical howto's from this homepage:

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