They are currently reworking the servuo base. They have ripped CustomsFramework out of the server and unsure if it will be added back in. I would suggest going with pub 57 until they ether get it to where they want it or u can start building from there.
Updating a full custom server to what...
How do you format the remote host? tcp:// or just the IP or the domain?
I have the server running on the server box and the scripts installed. Double check they pointed to the right place and that both the server box and client box had the uoblackbox folder in the c: drive.
When I go to use...
How do you apply the changes to basevendor to the new basevendor format? Looks like the code was revampped a while back and its not a simple snip and paste.
Bit pricey. I would try soyoustart and hope u get lucky. * there servers that have been moved down from ovh. There not bad in prices and there support is spot on.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
Thats an easy fix. The ICO file is no longer there and has been renamed to servuo.ico
So what you would do is open the bat with a text editor by right clicking and editing it. and changing the forkuo.ico to servuo.ico
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