Recent content by Iomega0318

  1. Iomega0318

    Pet not attack the owner

    So this is some old code and can probably be improved but I wrote it almost 2 years ago and it's still working.. so use it if you want. In BaseCreature.cs in the CanBeHarmful section right above the first if statement, add this: #region Iomega0318 - Pet Attack Changes...
  2. Iomega0318


    Welcome to the site :)
  3. Iomega0318

    Can i sell mastery-items?

    I just shuffled some of the code around in the Give Power Scrolls section of BaseChampion.cs: public virtual void GivePowerScrolls() { List<Mobile> toGive = new List<Mobile>(); List<DamageStore> rights = GetLootingRights(); for (int i =...
  4. Iomega0318

    Rooster's Arcade Game's

    As always awesome work!
  5. Iomega0318

    Console restarting.

    Just make sure your not launching your client using the same files, to save you some grief just make a copy of the game folder and point your server to it. Then you can launch the game to connect using Razor, UO Steam or ClassicUO using the normal game folder/client that the server is NOT...
  6. Iomega0318

    Instanced Map API + Instanced Dungeons

    Got it, looks like there was an instance that was loading. Now onto the gump haha, is there a way to show the time remaining if the instance is active on it?
  7. Iomega0318

    Instanced Map API + Instanced Dungeons

    Hmm mine appears to start with the server, not when the player enters the dungeon. Could it be that the dungeon instance is already generated and it's just loading when I start my server? The reminder messages in the dungeon do work, but I was thinking if you leave and come back in to have it...
  8. Iomega0318

    Instanced Map API + Instanced Dungeons

    Is it normal that the timer seems to start with the server, so for example the SoB, before I go into it the timer has already counted down from the amount of time the server has been up. I only know this because on my test server if I restart and immediately go into the portal it shows roughly...
  9. Iomega0318

    I'm MyWifeRules

    Welcome! I still think you're a bot though :)
  10. Iomega0318

    Console restarting.

    Are there any logs, like a crash log or something in the root directory? Are you able to see any output on the console after you create the account that could shed some light on why it's closing out?
  11. Iomega0318


    Welcome! and good luck with the shard :)
  12. Iomega0318

    Can i sell mastery-items?

    As in sell them to players? I mean you could but that's all up to you.. I made it so the masteries spawned from all champs regardless of map, but you can still only get PS in Fel.
  13. Iomega0318

    Resource Storage Box problem

    Hehe whoops.. this is why we test things lol, I added in a check to make sure the player controls the mobile before it continues, while I was at it I also added a check for the players pack to make sure you're selecting your pack and not another players. Theres probably more checks that might...
  14. Iomega0318

    Resource Storage Box problem

    I took a little advice from some of your code, but still using lists.. this is what I have working so far which works for both containers and pets now.. if (targeted is BaseCreature animal) { if (!animal.Body.IsHuman) {...
  15. Iomega0318

    Resource Storage Box problem

    I was able to get that working with some modifications, it didn't work as is, at least not for me. Anyways this also seems to search just the first level of the pack not other containers within the pack, is there a way for it to do that too? Not that it's required just thought about it for...

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