Recent content by Massapequa

  1. Custom Abilities for your monsters

    Hey, I really like your ideas and I hope you get to implement them. I'm still wondering about your crash though. Is it just Volley of Bolts that crashes your server? If that's the case, can you send me a script with that ability in it and how you're adding the ability? Also, if you can send me...
  2. Custom Abilities for your monsters

    Hey, thanks for the replies! To answer your questions, no, they shouldn't mess with your creature's other abilities. However, in the question of the displacer beast, he might charge while hidden and reveal himself and mess with the player interaction you're looking for. As for the crash, can...
  3. NPC

    Happy to help :)
  4. NPC

    Hey, try this: using System; using Server.Items; using Server.Mobiles; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Server.Custom { public class FancyBlessingNPC : BaseCreature { private static Dictionary<Mobile, InternalTimer> _Table; private...
  5. Custom Abilities for your monsters

    Hey, thanks for comment! No, you are not missing anything; this is totally not supposed to happen. Here's a new version of Toxic Rain. Just replace your old file. This should provide a safeguard against the ability running longer than it's supposed to. Let me know if this fixes your issue.
  6. Admin Tools: Admin Runebook, convenience gumps, and more!

    Awesome! Happy to hear you like it. That’s a good addition too. Idk why I didn’t think of it lol
  7. Admin Tools: Admin Runebook, convenience gumps, and more!

    I'll have to look at that. As for the ViewEffectsItem, you just have to add the item into the game with the [add command and use the [props command to change the effect ItemID, Hue, etc. then double click the item to play the effect.
  8. Leveled Spawn Controller

    Hey no worries! Whenever you're able to reply. So, from a brief scan of your Spawner.cs, it looks like it uses 'Spawned.Count; ' to keep track of the creatures that have been spawned, instead of 'SpawnCount'. So, go to line 263 in LeveledSpawnController.cs, change: Controller.Remaining =...
  9. Leveled Spawn Controller

    So, you may have an older version of the spawner is you have an old version of ServUO or RunUO. As long as we can get it working, the the look won't matter that much. So, it seems like it may be an issue with how your spawn handles its SpawnCount. in the Timer of the Controller there's this...
  10. Leveled Spawn Controller

    Hey Candy Apple, thanks for the comment! It's hard to tell what the issue is by your picture. Is the controller just continuously resetting? Did you add creatures to each spawner to spawn before activating? If you give me more details, be really interested in trying to get this working for you...
  11. Leveled Spawn Controller

    Adding a reward would be a great idea!
  12. Leveled Spawn Controller

    Massapequa updated Leveled Spawn Controller with a new update entry: Bug fix and convenience edit Read the rest of this update entry...
  13. Leveled Spawn Controller - Bug fix and convenience edit

    - Fixed a bug where the Controller would sometimes not activate on server reset. - Added the ability to move the individual spawner's place within the Controller's list. - Easier compatibility for those with earlier versions of ServerUO and RunUO.
  14. In-Game Bestiary

    Massapequa submitted a new resource: In-Game Bestiary - An easy way to catalogue of the creatures of your world and the lore they possess Read more about this resource...
  15. In-Game Bestiary 1.0

    In-Game Bestiary A simply UI that acts as a catalogue for the various creatures you can encounter in your world! It can be accessed with the player-level command "[bestiary" Each entry details some lore behind each creature The script comes pre-loaded with 126 entries of the most common...

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