Recent content by Rick Amortis

  1. Rick Amortis

    *Working* Pandora's Box 3

    unzip the converted muls.rar, drag the .muls to your client folder, then install Pandora's Box/make a new profile. i hope this explains it better. :)
  2. Rick Amortis

    *Working* Pandora's Box 3

    i don't believe so, i didnt have to.
  3. Rick Amortis

    *Working* Pandora's Box 3

    Rick Amortis submitted a new resource: *Working* Pandora's Box 3 - pandoras box Read more about this resource...
  4. Rick Amortis

    Misc *Working* Pandora's Box 3 2021-07-12

    This version works fine but you will need the .mul files that Demented uploaded you can get them from this link ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ Pandora's Box Source
  5. Rick Amortis

    removing trees?

    How would I remove a few trees from an island?
  6. Rick Amortis

    does anyone know where i can find a custom swamp dragon animation?

    i saw this one before and really liked it but it's running animation is flying which i dont like
  7. Rick Amortis

    does anyone know where i can find a custom swamp dragon animation?

    does anyone know where i can find a custom swamp dragon animation? i've looked for awhile and haven't managed to find one.
  8. Rick Amortis

    how do i replace the current unicorn animation in uosteam?

    thank you for trying to help
  9. Rick Amortis

    how do i replace the current unicorn animation in uosteam?

    i had zero experience with uofiddler when i asked that
  10. Rick Amortis

    how do i replace the current unicorn animation in uosteam?

    i'm not sure what you're saying but we did get the problem fixed
  11. Rick Amortis

    TheArt's Unicorn anim on the Ultima Adventures - Based on Ultima Odyssey client

    anything can if you have enough time but sadly i dont atm in theory at least
  12. Rick Amortis

    TheArt's Unicorn anim on the Ultima Adventures - Based on Ultima Odyssey client

    Rick Amortis submitted a new resource: TheArt's Unicorn anim on the Ultima Adventures - Based on Ultima Odyssey client - readme.txt has instructions TheArt's unicorn anim to the Ultima Adventures Read more about this resource...
  13. Rick Amortis

    Animations TheArt's Unicorn anim on the Ultima Adventures - Based on Ultima Odyssey client 2020-08-06

    readme.txt has instructions. easy drag and drop. it should work if it doesn't let me know and i'll see what i can do to fix it
  14. Rick Amortis

    how do i replace the current unicorn animation in uosteam? 1596743145 made it easy to install 1596751202

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