Recent content by TwilightRaven

  1. TwilightRaven

    Custom Worlds

    I'm not sure what else is out there that works with the newest version of ServUO. I only briefly got to look at the Wiki. Is Dragon compatible? I don't want to re-invent the wheel.
  2. TwilightRaven

    Custom Worlds

    Hey Milva. How are you? 1590547817 The Wiki is empty. 1590548445 Nothing useful anyway. Just a tutorial on how to set up Serv-UO
  3. TwilightRaven

    Custom Worlds

    I want to take on the task of making a tool to create new facets. Is there *any* material out there to kind of jump start this project?
  4. TwilightRaven

    Serv-UO latest

    Hey, been away for a while. Can you tell me what the newest version of C# Serv-UO is supporting?
  5. TwilightRaven

    Installing the latest Serv-UO

    Hi. I compiled the latest Serv-UO. I executed the server and it crashes. I didn't add anything or change anything so I'm kind of puzzled. This is the crash log: And this is the where the Exception is being thrown: The exception is being thrown on the line...
  6. TwilightRaven

    Map Maker

    Hi, I'm looking for a good map making tool that works with the newest client. I'd like to replace Felucca with a custom map. Thanks TWRaven
  7. TwilightRaven

    Ultima Mapper 64-bit

    Hi I was wondering if anyone had any experience with Ultima Mapper 64 bit? -TWRaven
  8. TwilightRaven

    Installing latest ServUO

    @Milva: Yeah I'm running it as an administrator. Also if I upgrade the server I'm going to lose all my custom buildings and npcs, aren't I?
  9. TwilightRaven

    Error when entering building

    Shoot. I forgot I have a bunch of custom buildings. Are those going to be erased when I get the new server? Is there any way to keep them? (like back it up somehow?) 1567892936 Ok 1567895124 @Voxpire Hey I corrected those errors from before and got some more. 1567895580 I don't know what to put...
  10. TwilightRaven

    Error when entering building

    @Voxpire, @Voxpire When you say updating the core, you mean updating updating Vit-Nex, right? If so, I did and that's when the errors began. Would you recommend upgrading my SerVUO? Would that make things cohesive? Ok if by update my core you mean Vita-Nex then yes, I've already done that I...
  11. TwilightRaven

    Installing latest ServUO

    Hi, I need to know why the newest ServUO is crashing on me. I didn't do anything, its completely clean install. Server Crash Report =================== ServUO Version 0.5, Build 7188.34725 Operating System: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0 .NET Framework: 4.0.30319.42000 Time: 9/7/2019...
  12. TwilightRaven

    Installing the latest Serv-UO

    Hi I need to know how to install the latest Serv-UO. Also, do I run the risk of my scripts breaking? I would that is possible. -TWRaven 1567891878 (Sorry for the double post) Also, I have a whole bunch of custom buildings. Would I lose the buildings if I upgrade my ServUO?
  13. TwilightRaven

    Error when entering building

    I am running the newest version of Vita-Nex Core. I looked in the files that use ITool and they all have public override int OnCraft( int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile m, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, #if ServUO ITool tool, #else BaseTool tool, #endif...
  14. TwilightRaven

    Error when entering building

    Well that kind of ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ServUO - [] Version 0.5, Build 6472.26597 Core: Optimizing for 4 64-bit processors RandomImpl: CSPRandom (Software)...
  15. TwilightRaven

    Error when entering building

    How do I build it?

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