Recent content by vandior2001

  1. a few questions

    Cool thx i didn't even find the mining.cs file lol is there a place where old versions of servuo are sorted? i found the old client i want to use (1.26.4j ) but i need something to run it. servuo is easy to use and i can't find anything to run that version that i can understand.
  2. a few questions

    New Question! Is there a way to change the amount of ore you get from a area of a cave floor or rock face? Also can you set what ore is there or is that just random?
  3. editing script files for monsters

    thx i will see what i can do with them
  4. editing script files for monsters

    speaking of bunnys, what ever happened to the bright blue killer bunnys? vorpal bunnys i think
  5. editing script files for monsters

    cool thank you should give me a good starting point just need to research item names now
  6. editing script files for monsters

    i am trying to edit loot drops in monster .cs files. i got editing the hp stats and so on down, but the loot has me stumped. i have never coded before and am using notepad++. i found lines talking about ultra rich and have fooled with the numbers to raise drops (went over board and took 30 mins...
  7. a few questions

    i unpack the servuo zip and then copy the shard in a box files into servuo folder overwriting the files as need. run the bat file and it fails to make the servuo exe file. i have run the bat and then copyed the files over but the server will not load says it can't find some files.
  8. a few questions

    Next Question. i downloaded a few of the shards in a box from here. however i can't figure out how to get them to load. Is there a special way to set them up? i really want to play Age Of Valor and go hunting the colonel sanders boss.
  9. a few questions

    i started to play uo not long after it came out. i moved to another MMO around 2004ish ( just before Samurai Empire ). the game was easier, less bloated and to me just better. i haven't played the new clients much yet but they changed so much i can't even find a plain lich anymore lol. @ home i...
  10. a few questions

    i just started a server for me and a few friends, and need a little help. i am getting a no stringID message on most item names, does not seem to hurt anything just no item names. Is this normal? i was also wondering if it's possible to move a account from one server to another? we have a server...

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