Recent content by WizardTim

  1. Ultima Adventures - A full featured, content packed offline/online server

    Nice try. Djeryv doesn't run a server that I know of, and I never played your server to leave a rating. I am simply pointing out your behavior of taking things from others but not willing to give back. I am sure the gaming community appreciates your ethics. But hey, it is another way to social...
  2. Ultima Adventures - A full featured, content packed offline/online server

    It is incredibly nice of you to tell Adventures players that there is a big exploit in the game they downloaded, told them that you fixed yours, but didn't bother to tell them how to fix theirs.
  3. Looking to contact a certain shard developer [Server Ruins & Riches]

    Wow! Cyberstalking with a huge side of rage. No wonder there isn't any contact info on the blog. I can see the future now, and it looks like a restraining order.
  4. Looking to contact a certain shard developer [Server Ruins & Riches]

    What a weird and suspicious request with no context. Cyberstalking would be my guess.
  5. Learning General Programming And C#

    There gametec! It took 5 years to finally get an answer. Thanks for casing resurrection on this thread.
  6. Uo odyssey gone?

    UO Odyssey has been changed to Ruins & Riches.
  7. Shard & Assets Ownership Debate

  8. Shard & Assets Ownership Debate

    I like how this dude tried to Kickstart a UO shard: I guess he couldn't get permission to use their logos and artwork like some other shards did. I would love to say the name but it is like...
  9. Shard & Assets Ownership Debate

    We will just use the word "donation" to cover up the fact that we are making money and then paying others to make extra things for the shard. I think they call it a business at that point. All by using someone else's trademark and then we will bash Evermore for using our dungeons. I remember...
  10. Shard & Assets Ownership Debate

    I opened up the shard's client in Fiddler and I saw art in there that wasn't credited to the ones who made it. Sure they got the broad strokes of the UO Pixel De and that dude from that quick-to-die server, but it is far from a complete list. I remember an interview where they stated that they...
  11. Shard & Assets Ownership Debate

    Ok. I'm tapping out of this one.
  12. Shard & Assets Ownership Debate

    At least you tried injecting your ideas of ethics and virtue with the rest of your post. Nice thing to say, but anybody close to doing it is far from thorough. It is part of the laziness. Good luck with that one. So I guess Broadsword just needs to ask nicely for us to stop using their stuff...
  13. Shard & Assets Ownership Debate

    People shouldn't concern themselves over this idealism of giving credit. This is just one of those safety words people use here to keep the complaining to a minimum. I went to a few shard sites and I saw no credit given for the one who made the images shown below. There is also a very popular...
  14. Shard & Assets Ownership Debate

    Trademarks have the property that if you show a history of not defending your brand, then you basically forfeit it. If you don't care that everyone calls a novelty flying disk a frisbee, and that trademark name isn't defended, then frisbee gets thrown into a dictionary of common words. Copyright...
  15. Too much blood

    Ah! That is a old UO client file that @Falkor is pointing out. If you are brave @jdr1984 then find the BaseWeapon.cs file and look for this section. public virtual void AddBlood( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender, int damage ) { if ( damage > 0 && ( (defender is...

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