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  1. Sorthious

    Power Concept for Ultima Online

    I lean more toward the medieval type of world....D&D basically. However, I don't see how this couldn't be given a feel/lore that makes it fit into whatever the theme is. For instance, a mage has found a way to harvest magic from the ether and transport it though a particular medium.
  2. Sorthious

    Translucent Water - The first to implement it was EA?

    Would it be possible to do what we do with Xmlspawner and make the animations dependent upon PlayersInRange, so you don't have entire areas running the animation?
  3. Sorthious

    Boat Dock Controller

    Nice idea....maybe could make it like the system that stables pets. Charge a weekly fee, and if a player doesn't maintain payments their ship will be confiscated(deleted) from the dock.
  4. Sorthious

    Razor Negotiator and Spell Format.

    Ah ok. Not positive but you would have to probably change the "Name" that is used for SpellInfo.cs in each spell. Don't know of a way way of blocking sending of it. public class AgilitySpell : MagerySpell { private static readonly SpellInfo m_Info = new SpellInfo( "Agility", "Ex Uus"...
  5. Sorthious

    Razor Negotiator and Spell Format.

    You don't need to modify the script. Just go into the SpellFormat field and delete " [{spell}]" and then it will only display the Words of Power when you cast a spell.
  6. Sorthious

    Getting lag with spawned world

    Here are a few issues we have dealt with in the past. First, if you are using Names instead of Serial Numbers when checking the conditions on other spawners this causes a lot of lag as it has to search through all the items/spawners to find that one. For instance if you were checking the...
  7. Sorthious

    Programming question

    Ah ok...but even if there weren't variables I thought you needed braces if you did more than one line after the case. I don't know that much about programming to begin with...need to start reading up again. lol
  8. Sorthious

    Help changing TileID's for MapGenerator

    No was referring to LandTiles...although I would love to eventually use some of the Textures....not quite sure how to go about that thing at a time lol Looking at the Terrain.xml file one would think that it should be using that to determine what pallet color is Indexed to a...
  9. Sorthious

    Help changing TileID's for MapGenerator

    I've read the forums there in toto and not nothing answered my issue. )^8 Not really worried about an active account unless you think somone may answer my question. The last forum entry was long, long ago in a Galaxy far, far away. lol Praxiis had given me various tools and told me about...
  10. Sorthious

    Programming question

    The first Switch Statement example leaves the braces out of the Cases which use more than one line. You could do that if it were only one line following the Case, but as that isnt the Case, you need to enclose them in Braces. Sorry, hate to see a question go unanswered (^8
  11. Sorthious

    Hey All

    42 = The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and....Everything But, you have it in Hex, so not quite sure what that means LOL
  12. Sorthious

    Clamping down on server spam

    I d0n't know much about programming but on the shard i'm on we use a scripted Captcha system to handle AFK resource gathering/crafting. Maybe inserting a captcha type system immediately after the Account Creation process is completed. Have them transported to a secure area, prior to moving...
  13. Sorthious

    Best memories of UO.

    Wasn' t laughing at your particular misfortune btw....Happened to me quite often in the beginning; when I was learning to play the game. I was, more or less, laughing because it brought back a flood of memories of me getting ripped off. (^8
  14. Sorthious

    Help changing TileID's for MapGenerator

    Ver 2.0 Build: 8/5/06 I got it from Ryandor site. The program works ok. I can compile a map, although it looks horrible, I think due to me not adjusting the alittude map. Anyway, I need to use Tiles other than the standard ones being used. I have, for instance, Tropical Water and...
  15. Sorthious

    Best memories of UO.

    Sorry to laugh, but hahahaha.....I remember back then how lawless things were and how hard it was for new players to make progress. There were soooooo many scammers, and PK'ers that you really had a rough time getting things done, unless of course you were guilded, which I didnt really care to...
  16. Sorthious

    Equiped item issue

    Things like that seem to have happened in the past with Razor and was normally a problem with the "Auto-Queue Object Delay actions" being selected and the Object Delay being set incorrectly. I normally just deselect "Auto-Queue..." and it works fine without it, but you can fool around with the...
  17. Sorthious

    Best memories of UO.

    I first started playing UO in 1998 on Atlantic Shard. I remember having like 20+ tamed animals and walking between towns. Someone tried to attack me! Big mistake! I watched my pets surround them and they couldnt move. I was able to kill the PK'er at my leisure. I've had the same name...
  18. Sorthious

    Help changing TileID's for MapGenerator

    I'm using Mapgenerator and I want to replace the default tiles with alternate tiles; Grass,Mountains,Water,etc. I've tried editing Terrain.xml, Out,txt, and Common.xml but invariably the map compiles with the standard tiles. Anyone have any idea of how to change which tiles the ImageIndex...
  19. Sorthious

    XmlQuestNPCs and XmlDialog (XmlEdit) - Proper Action strings

    No worries (^8.....I'm still learnig the spawners myself and the syntax can be very frustrating. With that said, I love the system and what you can do with it. Too bad someone doesnt pick this project back up. It is way powerful and has a lot of potential!
  20. Sorthious

    XmlQuestNPCs and XmlDialog (XmlEdit) - Proper Action strings

    I had a similar problem a while ago. It syntax seems to differ from command to command. Anyway, not at home right now, but see if the Curly Braces help to make this work: SETONCARRIED,An Ancient Robe,AncientRobe/HitPoints/{GETONCARRIED,An Ancient Robe,AncientRobe,MaxHitPoints}

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