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  1. Lokai

    Potion Keg cliloc help

    change this to string.
  2. Lokai

    Potion Keg cliloc help

    Ooooooh! You are using EC? Lol. Thanks for trying it in Classic, cause I was really confused. Perhaps one of the EC gurus can help demystify this, since there are definitely some quirks to using it. Try placing the name somewhere else, like DefaultName or in the Constructor and Deserialize...
  3. Lokai

    Potion Keg cliloc help

    Lokai == UnderstandingType.Stumped;
  4. Lokai

    Potion Keg cliloc help

    This might be a stupid question. Did you create a new keg after the recompile, or were you looking at one that was created before the recompile?
  5. Lokai

    Attribute for pet.

    Try this: else { if (t.StamMaxSeed < 1000000) { t.StamMaxSeed = t.StamMaxSeed + 1; t.Stam = t.Stam + 1; from.SendMessage("Total: [{0}]"...
  6. Lokai

    Owner account infinite cycle

    Sounds like it's crashing and starting the compile process over, which will not save the Owner information you entered, so will prompt you every time. 1. Do you see the window close and re-open again? 2. In the root folder for your server, do you see a crash log file being created? If so, that...
  7. Lokai

    Leader Board for Quests Completed

    I would probably create a Dictionary that stores a Class (PlayerQuestStatus) for each player (accessed by their Serial.Value or something. This Class could be a Struct instead, but a Class gives it more flexibility. The server could save and load the Dictionary on each Save and Load by hooking...
  8. Lokai

    Leader Board for Quests Completed

    You can try to reach someone named Laretheo or a member of the old UOR shard staff. They implemented this using the XmlSpawner system. Read through the following excerpt to see if this is what you remember: added the new quest points system (thanks to Eymerich for the suggestion). Individual...
  9. Lokai

    Help with Spell System

    In Spellbook.cs, did you modify the following method?: private static void EventSink_OpenSpellbookRequest(OpenSpellbookRequestEventArgs e) { Mobile from = e.Mobile; if (!DesignContext.Check(from)) { return; // They are...
  10. Lokai

    Help with Spell System

    In your custom spellbook, did you override BookOffset with your offset of 900? public override int BookOffset => 900;
  11. Lokai

    Not recognizing players faction

    So, what message is playing when someone tries to steal? What faction do they belong to?
  12. Lokai

    Problem with quest tag

  13. Lokai

    Changing Item Title Color Without HTML Code Showing

    This line, I think should look something like this: list.Add(String.Format("<BASEFONT COLOR=#FFA500>{0}</BASEFONT>", this.Name));
  14. Lokai

    RUNUO - Player's total resistances

    Yes. If player is a PlayerMobile, then it will automatically use the override.
  15. Lokai

    RUNUO - Player's total resistances

    Yes. Overriding the method in PlayerMobile would give you access to the static variable.
  16. Lokai

    Changing Item Title Color Without HTML Code Showing

    Can you post your script? Thanks.
  17. Lokai

    a Kudos Question

    Try this OnTick method to replace yours. I think this reads a bit better. protected override void OnTick() { foreach (NetState state in NetState.Instances) { Mobile m = state.Mobile; if (m == null ||...
  18. Lokai

    a Kudos Question

    Not sure. Post your whole script file so we can take a look.
  19. Lokai

    ACC Pub57

    I believe ACC refers to A_Li_N's Completely Custom. So A_Li_N is the original author.
  20. Lokai

    autostable region

    What are you checking here and why? pm.AllFollowers.Count > pm.AutoStabled.Count Or this: pm.AllFollowers.Count > pm.AutoStabled.Count + 1

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