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  1. Vert-I-Go

    Mirror Mold

    Vert-I-Go submitted a new resource: Mirror Mold - Underdark Mirror Mold Read more about this resource...
  2. Vert-I-Go

    Mirror Mold 2024-07-05

    A Underdark Item. If you step on this mold it will create a mirror image of your character and start attacking you. Description from d100: Mirror Mold: Step in, or touch a patch of Mirror Mold, and a mindless, shambling simulacra of yourself will grow from this silvery grey glop a few hours...
  3. Vert-I-Go

    Max resistance

    can also look in the server files in mobile.cs for private static int m_MaxPlayerResistance = 70;
  4. Vert-I-Go

    New Animated Cannon

    I don't understand why you couldn't take the original art for canon and modify it for this. There shouldn't be any issues with the rights since your basically creating your own art files after the fact and making it your own by positioning and changing pixels and shading etc. Plus the original...
  5. Vert-I-Go

    Which RunUO Version

    My point is Outlands doesnt run on ModenUO it runs on RunUO and isnt run on a desktop PC so comparing it to a normal server running on a desktop PC which most people will be using is unfair for comparison. So I do get your point just saying that using a Highly developed server to your product...
  6. Vert-I-Go

    Which RunUO Version

    So you should know luth heavily modded the runuo core.
  7. Vert-I-Go

    Which RunUO Version

    Its kind of unfair you to compare anything to Outlands since they run on a modified RunUO 2.6 core and on a paid server machine so all your points are invalid. Comparing anything to Outlands is no comparison at all because of all the work they put into it. The years of work and planning that...
  8. Vert-I-Go


    One of the main reason I haven't switched to ClassicUO or anything like that is the Interface I really don't like the icons, if you could make it to have a classic feel like the original client feel with original icons pointers and such option would be nice. That blue highlighted icon is just...
  9. Vert-I-Go

    New Mounts . . Looking for Help . . Willing to Pay

    With the ones you listed those are from the old school way of doing mounts. I created the skeletal dragon and spider mount way back when. Those are actually two separate animation one for the creature animation and one for the ridden animation. and you will have to over write existing mount...
  10. Vert-I-Go

    Advanced interior tool

    I took the script from here modded it for RunUO 2.6 which should work for ServUO and fiddled with the gump a bit. Some of the cliloc will have to be edited because i don't think they are stock to game from what i saw so I added them but those are easy enough to do. Also gave option to do string...
  11. Vert-I-Go

    Pan Flute

    Vert-I-Go submitted a new resource: Pan Flute - pan Flute Read more about this resource... Just to give you an Idea, I use the 5 sound BaseIstrument.cs in balance with the Bard Song spell system. So different songs like "Army's Paeon" spell song would use the "Caster.PlaySound(...
  12. Vert-I-Go

    Art Pan Flute 2024-05-05

    Here is a pan Flute item art plus a script written in RunUO 2.6 its written using a BaseInstrument.cs that has 5 sounds instead of just the two sounds. has the: m_WarSound, m_CalmSound, m_PeaceSound but can easily be taken out and converted into a ServUO version. .rar file has .bmp files in it...
  13. Vert-I-Go

    In-Game Bestiary

    Doesn't seem to work for RunUO 2.6 sadly :(
  14. Vert-I-Go

    Socket Error when connecting.

    It might be his firewall blocking that application since UO is an older program or if he is using razor or other means to connect sometimes Windows or other platforms don't recognize them and block the application has he tried running it as administrator? Just throwing ideas out there of things...
  15. Vert-I-Go

    Creative Scripters RunUO 2.6

    Well got it down to only 23 spells left to write lol. These are all priest spells based off Deities in the Forgotten Realms Pantheon of D&D. My problem now I guess is just coming up with cool ideas on what they should be lol. Each Deity has it own 16 Unique spells specific to its Deity. Two of...
  16. Vert-I-Go

    Fighting Effects

    Another easy way to do this is like nightmare with breath weapon but change the item id for the effect Like for my white dragons i changed the itemID to look like a white fireball I have in art file. Or like my Blue dragons shoot lightning bolts I just change the BreathEffectItemID and...
  17. Vert-I-Go

    Archer/Hunters Camp

    Could be easier if you made this into a multi and used a basecamp script for it instead of a addon. Just a thought.
  18. Vert-I-Go

    Fighting Effects

    Luthius the coder for outlands is an Amazing coder and is very advanced and has totally rewriten the entire core of the server so he has done alot of things so his effects would be hard to replicate. But there are alot of spells and effects you can find on monsters like the one i posted on the...
  19. Vert-I-Go

    Fighting Effects

    I think most mobs do area effect spells like earthquake and blizzard stuff for large scale fights against multple targets. Ill share my frost giant hes got a spell in his script shows you kinda I think what your looking for. public void Avalanche() { Map map =...
  20. Vert-I-Go

    Spirit World?

    Was sitting around today and had a thought has anyone ever thought about making mobiles for the spirit world? Like a healer when your dead instead of the wandering healer there is a ghost healer in the spirit world that can only be seen when your dead? or mobs that can only be seen when your...

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