Search results

  1. tass23

    Looking for Summon Champ Script

    This particular code is part of a whole gump. This just illustrates how to have an NPC take the custom currency for something, in this case to teleport that person to the destination. You can do a whole party. Have a look at the Peerless code ;)
  2. tass23

    Looking for Summon Champ Script

    I do not have a script for this, but Mogster and I used Xmlspawner for our various invasion bosses and such. If you add an OnDoubleClick method to any item, you can have it take whatever "currency" you want though. This is from Lokai's Greek Underworld gump: public override void OnResponse(...
  3. tass23

    Looking for Online Currency Script

    Hi Iomega *waves* I just posted this because of your post *LOL* Should be what you are after. :)
  4. tass23

    Shard Gifts: Custom Currency & Player Rewards for time spent online.

    This was originally posted on RunUO, but I converted it to work on my 'shard. Should work with pretty much any repo. Reward Items: Rolled up scroll bundle. Stackable. Deeds available for larger amounts. Built-in system to award players X amount of Reward Items every hour spent online on the...
  5. tass23

    looking for alittle help im new

    Hi Kray *waves* So there are a lot of paths to take here, but all of them are dependent on the version your 'shard is running and which client version it is using. (doubtful any graphics were added that might affect a custom item system, but it is possible). There are a couple of Evolution...
  6. tass23

    servUO-scripts help

    Hi Mokomoko, What you are asking is a rather tall order. I would suggest downloading the latest ServUO repo from the Source Code link in the menu at the top of the window. That has the code for the server. You will want to edit the file DataPath.cs and point it to your UO install directory (you...
  7. tass23

    Adding more doors to AddDoorGump.cs

    Just some quick info for anyone looking to expand their AddDoor gump, in case they are unsure what all the numbers mean. START I will explain the more important parts of the code below, i+1, I am not sure, but I would assume it references which door you selected. This first bit of code handles...
  8. tass23

    When a friend asks if you have any freeshard files...

    You opt for the easy answer: Mhm, I do have *some* ;) Not bragging, but I was curious since someone did actually ask me about my "RunUO" archive. Basically this folder contains everything about freeshards and since it started for me with RunUO, that is the name of the folder. *LOL*
  9. tass23

    RunUO - adding iron gate

    Yes, I can send you a PM with the info. :)
  10. tass23

    RunUO - adding iron gate

    Yep! As long as you know what the numbers mean ;)
  11. tass23

    Unbeatable AI?

    Nice, Billy :) You can borrow Peerless AI too. Mephitis' "grab" will get players that are hidden too. Careful though, as it has a range and will grab anything inside that range, regardless if you used LOSblockers or not. ;) Do not inherit from that mob though, actually grab the code form the...
  12. tass23

    RunUO - adding iron gate

    Try using the AddDoor gump instead. That will have the doors listed for you to pick from. Adding a door/gate the way that you are doing is: Add IronGate (FacingDirection&Opening) Add IronGate WestCCW IronGate West (counterclockwise) IronGate WestCW IronGate NorthCCW etc., etc. Hope that helps! :)
  13. tass23

    RunUO - need help with craft system

    Yes, whatever karma you spawn the mob with is what players get when it is killed, regardless of what the script says. Like spawning a mob with murders makes it red, even though the script might not have murders. It is also easy to spawn a Lich, but give it the body of Lord Oaks and now you have...
  14. tass23

    Setting a higher accesslevel on spawning / modifying XMLSpawners

    Yeah, but it is pretty much a complete removal though. It was taken down to just being a spawner. None of the things that expanded it beyond, like XmlEdit, or XmlQuestNPCs, XmlFactions, or XmlAttach. Considering that what remains does not require distro edits to install, it lacks the power the...
  15. tass23

    RunUO - need help with craft system

    You are welcome. :) Yes, if that is in the script, the mob will always spawn Red. :)
  16. tass23

    ServUO Pub 54 Repo

  17. tass23

    ServUO Pub 54 Repo

    This ServUO repo is the same Pub 54 that was released through GitHub, which includes the Third-Party content that was removed/changed in and after Pub 57. This was only added by request from community members to merge into the current and future repos. GitHub link: ServUO Pub 54 Repo...
  18. tass23

    Client packs for download

    Wow! That is some nice work! Thanks a bunch, Horian! :D So glad this has kept going!
  19. tass23

    Setting a higher accesslevel on spawning / modifying XMLSpawners

    No problem. We all were at one point! :) As I understand it, Pub 57 had a lot of third-party content removed and the entire Xmlspawner package was one of those things. So my guess is that you installed the whole Xmlspawner package to fix your problem. Did you make the edits to the Distro files...

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