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  1. cmileto

    The runuo forum is back up if anyone didnt know. Good to have that resource back even if ServUO is my favored go to for my UO fix.
  2. cmileto

    New ServUO Rebuild w/OWLTR & FS-ATS

    Thanks psychoman!
  3. cmileto

    Custom Regions in a Box - Cleaned Up and .net 4.0

    I just commented those lines out and can live without setting custom regions "harmful" or not. There is prob a better solution though.
  4. cmileto

    Celtic Desktop

    This is for clients using mul files, not the newer format
  5. cmileto

    ServUO on Raspberry & Exagear Desktop

    Debian 8 but should work for most debian and ubuntu tbh... I installed mono via: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 3FA7E0328081BFF6A14DA29AA6A19B38D3D831EF echo "deb wheezy main"| sudo tee...
  6. cmileto

    Unified Pottery Project

    I have always always loved your work. Somewhere I still have all/most your files from RunUO I believe. I enjoyed every single one and you more than anyone basically taught me the power of UOfiddler and Gimp :)
  7. cmileto

    MyRunUO for ServUO

    Will implement after work today. Thank you alot!!!
  8. cmileto

    MyRunUO for ServUO

    Im having trouble getting this to work under mono on debian 8 Server runs fine but database and website not working.... Mono limitation? I get this in terminal everytime script tries to connect to database: servuo@brains:~/neverybody$ make `pwd`/
  9. cmileto

    Tutorial For Ubuntu 14.04 LTS + ServUO For Linux Ver. 2.0

    I know this is a zombie thread but in the intrest of helping someone else who may be in Vlad's same situation..... He said several posts back his VPS had 512mb of ram. This isnt enough to run servuo, runuo, or even pol server.
  10. cmileto


    is there a working version? I apologize but I couldnt find one in this thread. Pretty pls?
  11. cmileto

    What does this mean?

    The static error caused by the static file size not matching the map size? I had this issue years ago on an old project. I have some old notes that had this link. Near end of thread this error is mentioned.... hope it can help.
  12. cmileto

    New ServUO Rebuild w/OWLTR & FS-ATS

    vita nex would be cool to add for sure.
  13. cmileto

    New ServUO Rebuild w/OWLTR & FS-ATS

    Thank you for all your work. Sorry about the errant git requests. GIT is very new to me. SVN I know by command line. Even with a gui I dont have git right yet. How do I push changes to you? Is that through a pull request via github or can I just attach files here? I failed a few times lol
  14. cmileto

    Working Ultima.dll ?Thanks in advance.

    Most of these old scripts which require an old version of Ultima.dll arent going to work with the new dll without significant work to the new dll specific to said script. The new ultima.dll is based on an entire different project than the old dll was. There was a conversation on it here on these...
  15. cmileto

    Give Item to Player on Email Registration

    possible to post this script? I was going to make something similar but am very lazy :)
  16. cmileto

    Update On The Ultima Online™ Map Creator [Deleted]

    Id be willing to work on it as well if either would like some (mostly noobish) help.
  17. cmileto

    New ServUO Rebuild w/OWLTR & FS-ATS

    Wow. I thank you.
  18. cmileto

    Shard List ?

    Can you ban shards with obviously fake online counts? If not np.
  19. cmileto

    Opinions on VPS servers

    5gb ram and a decent server here for $5 bucks a month. I grabbed one to go with my Joe's server above. I use this one for web stuff and my joes server is all for gamer servers now.
  20. cmileto

    Knive's Chat

    cmileto updated Knive's Chat with a new update entry: reuploaded working zip Read the rest of this update entry...

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