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  1. cmileto

    ServUO and Enhanced Client support (Publish 54)

    googled these
  2. cmileto

    Procedural Content Generation for UO [Image Heavy]

    Omg. This is really neat.
  3. cmileto

    Imbuing with Publish 54

    I have integrated imbuing package from runuo (this one ) into our servuo pub54 server. No issues so far. Tbh though we only have 4-5 players (my kids and a few their friends) so not alot of testing has been done. However that being...
  4. cmileto

    Enjoying a day off work with the old lady and our kids.

    Enjoying a day off work with the old lady and our kids.
  5. cmileto

    UOA Ruin Buiding & Evil Building

    Cool ty! We just found out about uoa recently. awesome tool.
  6. cmileto

    UOA Ruin Buiding & Evil Building

    Id love to trade some uoa buildings with you. Anyway to view this one on here?
  7. cmileto


    Looks like it was a changed .mul that had different art. I think one of the kids had changed this client with some files from uoroleplay, lol. Thanks Milva!
  8. cmileto


    Not trying to bump my own post but did anyone else notice the incorrect body value for the greywolf, whitewolf, and direwolf or was it something either myself or one of my kids has changed. Ty!
  9. cmileto


    Hi, Thanks for putting all this info out here for us. Im really loving picking into servuo 54 thats for sure. Is there anything I can do to help restore the files from the archive section? So many gems there that we cannot reach. And it doesnt seem like posting new items will likely take off...

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