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  1. Talow

    ML Shard w/ extended status bar support

    you'll want to find where the features and their functionalities are defined and there should be a check of some kind, generally an if statement where if Core.ML then this or if Core.SA do other thing. When you find them, and I've not used them so I don't know where they are, you can sometimes...
  2. Talow

    Random Player Names on item

    grab an account at random (the [admin gump can pull a list of accounts, can use that to generate your list, then grab one from a random index, then you can grab a random character from the account and get the name string form that.
  3. Talow

    Does anybody know how to use mulpatcher?

    you have to import them using fiddler manually then save
  4. Talow

    Does anybody know how to use mulpatcher?

    did you unzip it to it's own folder and run it from that? running in the zip it's unable to access some of the files it needs.
  5. Talow

    XMLDialog and double click

    xml use has an action section where you can denote what happens when an item is dclicked
  6. Talow


    dest map = facet dest location = where on that map
  7. Talow

    why shard will that crash? !!!!!!!!!!!

    What happened before the issue started? This could be due to a corrupted save (can happen if server is closed while saving), could also be due to updating scripts. Try backing up your save folder to a different location, loading the server without a save, saving and restarting servUO. See if the...
  8. Talow

    why shard will that crash? !!!!!!!!!!!

    Small fish is a script, Scripts/Items/Resource/SmallFish.cs, if you didn't edit the script what happened before the issue started?
  9. Talow

    Does anybody know how to use mulpatcher?

    while I don't know how to use mul patcher uofiddler has the ability to save mull files and is simple to use IMO.
  10. Talow

    XMLDialog and double click

    couldn't you use the xmluse attachment to get the functionality you're after there?
  11. Talow

    why shard will that crash? !!!!!!!!!!!

    it is not a crash, this is a loading error, your save files are not lined up with the deserialized method, in this case it would be the smallfish that's having issues loading. You need to undo whatever changes you made or account for the saved data in the change you made, it's telling you the...
  12. Talow

    Gump + Timer refresh

    VNC by @Voxpire has ways to refresh the gumps. I've not used them myself but I've seen the results.
  13. Talow

    UOP vs. MUL Map Files

    there are uop to mul file conversion programs, I believe that UoFiddler has one (or a plug in for it). You do the dirty work with the mul files then convert it back to uop.
  14. Talow

    XMLSmart Spawning

    I talked with Voxpire a while back about xmlspawner and all it's perks and flaws in a small bit of details, at the end of the day we kind of agreed it's good for prototyping but because it's having to phrase strings it's going to be process intensive when it shouldn't be. He's good enough at C#...
  15. Talow

    Make hidden player A visible to player B is player B carry X item

    just hooked into the join party and leave party
  16. Talow

    CEO's Omniporter Crash

    Instead of checking against a static number you should check against the length that "count" is being used for.
  17. Talow

    Make hidden player A visible to player B is player B carry X item

    I did something similar with players in party and hidden/stealth, I just used the visibility list that staff use when using the [vis command, player's stealth / hidden status isn't interrupted but the other players in the party can still see them.
  18. Talow

    Addstairs addon

    yeah. fun fun
  19. Talow

    Addstairs addon

    I just tried the script with a default version of servuo, logged into staff account did the [addstairs and got the gump as expected. Everything seems to be working just fine. It is a script for staff so make sure you're accesslevel is at least gamemaster.
  20. Talow

    Addstairs addon

    I'll look into it

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