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  1. Talow

    Server Crash

    kewl. try a save and restart to be sure no other issues.
  2. Talow

    Server Crash

    The books.xml seems to be your issue here. looks like it crashed while trying to save the file (it's from a script I created) and it only dumped nulls into the file instead of the expected structure. Delete the xml file and try to start up again, if you have a back up that's not full of just...
  3. Talow

    Looking for good quest creator program

    Quick fix to RandomNames.cs using System; namespace UOQuests { public static class RandomNames { public static string GetRandomFemaleName() { string str; try { Random random = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond); int num = random.Next(1, 2000); str =...
  4. Talow

    Issue with Tresdni's Staff Instance

    I forgot to mention that Linq was introduced in .net 3.5 I believe it was, so your core needs to be running with that and have access to the Linq lib.
  5. Talow

    Issue with Tresdni's Staff Instance

    I've got Linq going now with my stuff after Voxpire showed me it's power. It's a awesome way of handling iterations private static void EventSink_ServerStarted () { foreach( BaseInstance bi in World.Items.Values.OfType<BaseInstance>()) { Instances.SetupInstance(bi); }...
  6. Talow

    Servuo experience in a resume?

    Mostly the same as Dmurphy for me, any experience that you can include to say "hey I've done x y z, and a bit of p d q" it's what they want to know to hire you. weather or not you got paid for getting that experience don't matter to them. The fact that you have it is what they need to know.
  7. Talow

    Vet Reward Upgrade

    Vet rewards are shown when you first log in on a character of an account that has vet reward points to spend generally that will take a month to get a single point, however that can varry as it can be edited.
  8. Talow

    method: clean all character

    Remove to where? or simply delete them? Either way I don't think there is a method like this in the core/scripts so you'd have to create one. It wouldn't be hard however as you'd just do a loop on the mobile's layers and remove the items on the wanted layers from them and same idea for the backpack.
  9. Talow

    the character creation initial screen: changes

    That script won't give you character creation as I understand it. I think it's just about making the default characters to fill up the spots so there is no new option in the client to make a new character on the client end. It's the same thing I'm working on (no I won't be releasing it as I...
  10. Talow

    the character creation initial screen: changes

    These are all part of the client. The client gathers the needed information about character creation then passes the information to the server which then processes that to create a character with the selected information. To change this would require you to edit the client or for you to be...
  11. Talow

    cant edit player stats when cap reached

    Should be raw[stat], so rawstr, rawdex, rawint
  12. Talow

    [tell to 1 player

    What the script I use will do is put an arrow pointing at the location, kind of like when you use the tracking skill.
  13. Talow

    [tell to 1 player

    I've attached the concept my server uses for this, not the same thing for sure, however the quest arrow I think is a nice way to do it.
  14. Talow

    [tell to 1 player

    IIRC there's Mobile.SendMessage which I think will send to the lower left kind of like skill gain do, in classic client neways.
  15. Talow

    [tell to 1 player

    could you not just use the message from who menu to pop up the scroll gump and the message would be presented?
  16. Talow

    UO AutoMap Server for Shard

    There's no reason that VNC won't work in a *unx environment.
  17. Talow

    Good guys, a little help everyone

    There are many furniture, accessories, special weapons, special armor and many other scripts already released. If what is available is not to your liking or what you're looking for can you detail what it is that you are looking for?
  18. Talow

    UoFildder NTN

    What reason can't you get the plug ins to work? Also both of these look really nice, I'd suggest for both of you however a highlight of the spawn area. That would be a nice visual to show where things pop up at.
  19. Talow

    Translucent Water - The first to implement it was EA?

    did you edit the tiledata at all? Like for the transparency toggle? If so, it's possible that you messed something up there.
  20. Talow

    Character online status

    try the who command or admin command.

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