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  1. Anon the Felon

    Share your world building.

    Well that was no good. That just really wanted me to do a seasonal map. Excellently done.
  2. Anon the Felon

    Squire System borrowed from RunUO

    I love this system. Initially I used it fairly stock, but eventually it became integral to my diplomacy skill. Instead of squires, I have mercenaries that the player hires and befriends. Thank you very much!
  3. Anon the Felon

    Whip Animation

    Excellent job @vaegrim, great alignment, imported perfectly the first time. Thank you!
  4. Anon the Felon

    Help for Adventure's mysterious corpse lag (runuo)

    Heh, yeah, I believe you've basically removed the GUI update when items are added/removed from bags. But, that may be redundant from the base, perhaps it's an Odyssey legacy thing.
  5. Anon the Felon

    Help for Adventure's mysterious corpse lag (runuo)

    Is there some kind of item scan happening? Perhaps something in Item that is looking at each item for a variable? That seems extreme, but this is an odd problem.
  6. Anon the Felon

    Help for Adventure's mysterious corpse lag (runuo)

    Can this be remedied by lowering max item count for the player? Just as a test, I'm not suggesting this as the solution, but to rule things out
  7. Anon the Felon

    Looking to contact a certain shard developer [Server Ruins & Riches]

    Yeah, yikes. Djeryv is the former dev for UO Odyssey, which is the root for R&R. Don't know if he still hangs around, I've seen him pop up helping people.
  8. Anon the Felon

    I want to start world building...

    No. Those are just unfrozen statics, you can use [remove or [wipe to clear them.
  9. Anon the Felon

    I want to start world building...

    When you set your server up, you pointed a something called a "datapath" to a UO client that your server is essentially based on. That client data needs to be a mirror of the client you use to play with. I can't tell you what that folder is, you were the one who set that part up. Createworld...
  10. Anon the Felon

    I want to start world building...

    The server side client data needs to be the same as the play client data.
  11. Anon the Felon

    No Magic Shard

    What you're describing is dangerously close to Dark Fantasy, which is an awesome fantasy subgenre. Not terribly hard to do, but definitely a fair bit of work to get there. Adding combat skills to spice up combat is the easiest part, compared to stripping out traditional magic, though tedious...
  12. Anon the Felon

    Custom scripts from old ServUO, not working on new ServUO version

    You need to recompile to integrate new code.
  13. Anon the Felon

    default skills (that don't count towards skill cap)

    I think this requires a core edit to Skills.cs. You would need to exclude them from the total skill count. I think the math you want to start messing with is around line 1040 (in my repo at least). There is a switch in Skills that looks like a good starting point. Remember that each skill...
  14. Anon the Felon

    BaseCreature Vendor

    Bingo. There should be examples in basevendor, or anything of the other custom dressed vendors or quest givers.
  15. Anon the Felon

    BaseCreature Vendor

    You can override initoutfit or something similar to change clothes on base vendor.
  16. Anon the Felon

    Changing Item Title Color Without HTML Code Showing

    Well... <center> it. That particular string function, and many others, can take basic HTML to do formatting magic.
  17. Anon the Felon

    How to make this not require mana?

    Probably edits to TeleportSpell, I notice this thing has charges and is being passed to the spell like as scroll. Errors there maybe.
  18. Anon the Felon

    How to make this not require mana?

    The current setup will also cause spell fizzle for anyone without Magery.
  19. Anon the Felon

    How to make this not require mana?

    Because it's casting the teleport spell, it's the spell that's consuming mana. You would have to create a new spells that did not use mana.
  20. Anon the Felon

    Help request - testing Armor Morphing Tool

    Yeah, you just check against the first target's material. If it's a match (metal v metal, leather v leather), do the transfer. Otherwise, kick out an error message to the player. If you restrict by material, all you need to transfer is name, weight, hue. Med status is dependent more on...

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