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  1. Skyfly

    default skills (that don't count towards skill cap)

    Haven't tested it but i think you should be able to achieve this by modifying 2 locations in the Server\Skills.cs if (m_Base != sv) { m_Owner.Total = (m_Owner.Total - m_Base) + sv; m_Base = sv; m_Owner.OnSkillChange(this); if (m_Base != sv) { switch(SkillName) {...
  2. Skyfly

    Missing a using directive or an assembly reference? error

    It doesn't find the CharacterClone type because it's a nested type and you are trying to access it like a non nested type, if you want to access it purely by using Felladrin.Automations; you would have to move your CharacterClone class outside of the CloneCharacterOnLogout class 3 ways how...
  3. Skyfly

    How do I reduce the weight of ORE... (ironore for example)

    You can change the weight by overriding the DefaultWeight property in BaseOre/IronOre/etc., if not in the script you can usually find the weight through the itemid (UOFiddler), see Item.cs: public virtual double DefaultWeight { get { if (m_ItemID < 0 || m_ItemID >...

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