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  1. Bounty Hunter Boards and Hunter's Challenge Boards

    While most of the Gumps used are BaseGump, BountyGump is just Gump: public class BountyGump: Gump The rest are BaseGump. As for the issues with SetWearable: Go to Outlaw.cs, find all the clothes are it wears, and change all the items like: SetWearable(new...
  2. Bounty Hunter Boards and Hunter's Challenge Boards

    Yeah, that'll get rid of those errors. If you get more after you fix those, we can work through them too.
  3. Bounty Hunter Boards and Hunter's Challenge Boards

    Are these files (HuntersBoardEntryEditGump.cs, BountyContract.cs:, BountyBoardAdminGump.cs, BSpawnerTimerGump.cs, HuntersBoard.cs, etc) still extending from BaseGump, or did you modify them to use Gump? There would be a line that looks like this in each of them: public class...
  4. Bounty Hunter Boards and Hunter's Challenge Boards

    Lol all good! I'm confident we can figure this out. Are these errors with BaseGump.cs, or are you not using it? Can you show me your Gump.cs file?
  5. Bounty Hunter Boards and Hunter's Challenge Boards

    Oh, my mistake, I thought you and nipa were having separate issues. try this: public static IEnumerable<T> EnumerateGumps<T>(PlayerMobile pm, Func<T, bool> predicate) { if (pm?.NetState is not { } ns) yield break; foreach (BaseGump gump in ns.Gumps.Where(g => g is T &&...
  6. Bounty Hunter Boards and Hunter's Challenge Boards

    Yes, The file I posted is BaseGump.cs. All those errors you got seemed like they were because your version of RunUO doesn't have it. If there's there's issues that you can't solve with it, we can make those regular Gumps with a few tweaks, Otherwise that should fix them. Did editing those...
  7. Bounty Hunter Boards and Hunter's Challenge Boards

    Which file is this in? And what version of .NET Framework are you using?
  8. Bounty Hunter Boards and Hunter's Challenge Boards

    Well at least it looks like SpawnObject got rid of all the errors regarding that... These new errors are because you don't have BaseGump.cs, which comes with newer viserions of ServUO. Adding this should clear up those errors: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq...
  9. Bounty Hunter Boards and Hunter's Challenge Boards

    Could you send me the code of your Spawner.cs? Your version of RunUO must spawn creatures very differently from recent ServUO versions. Before you send me your code, try adding this file to your directory. if it doesn't work, send me your Spawner.cs code: using System; using...
  10. Bounty Hunter Boards and Hunter's Challenge Boards

    Massapequa submitted a new resource: Bounty Hunter Boards and Hunter's Challenge Boards - Custom bounty system for all levels of monsters! Read more about this resource...
  11. Bounty Hunter Boards and Hunter's Challenge Boards 1.0

    Bounty Boards and Hunter's Boards: Two types of public community boards that can be customized to create options of challenging monsters for your players to kill and gain rewards from. Once the admins set up the boards and create a custom of monsters to slay, players can simply go to the...
  12. Custom Abilities for your monsters

    Okay, I managed to create a new ability that does exactly as you asked. You customize the wait time and the message. you can just copy this code and place it in a separate file in your custom folder: using System; using Server;using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using...
  13. Custom Abilities for your monsters

    Oh wow this was a big oversight on my part. find the line: CustomAbilityList list = new CustomAbilityList(); and make it: CustomAbilityList list; Then go down to the OnThink Method where it says: if( list == null) { fst.Type =...
  14. Custom Abilities for your monsters

    Alright so it's trying to reference an object that isn't there for whatever reason. It might be these lines here: if( HasSummon == true) { summon.Delete(); HasSummon = false; } try changing that first line to: if( HasSummon == true &&...
  15. Custom Abilities for your monsters

    Is the Occultist causing the reboot, or is it a mob you're trying to apply the summoning ability to? Is there a Crash Log you can post?
  16. Custom Abilities for your monsters

    Always happy to help!
  17. Custom Abilities for your monsters

    Awesome! I'm happy to hear you got the script working! Another option I was going to suggest was changing 'using System.Linq;' to 'import System.Linq from System.Core;' it's a very handy thing to have, but there are always work arounds: Like, CustomAbilitiesAny() would be the same as: if(...
  18. Custom Abilities for your monsters

    TBH I wish I knew more on this subject too. This all seems very strange, you should be able to have access to those with your version. I'm guessing you've tried reinstalling your .Net Framework? I'm gonna have to do a little more work to try and find a work around to those things...
  19. Custom Abilities for your monsters

    The namespaces for those can be found in System.Collections.Generic. Are you having problems with using that as well?
  20. Custom Abilities for your monsters

    Hey PigPen, thanks for sending your issue. I'm definitely willing to try and help make my script work for you. I noticed in your version of CustomAbilityList you commented out 'using System.Linq;' is there a reason for this? The definition for Array.Any seems to be in 'System.Linq' Getting rid...

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