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  1. TheDoc

    MyRunUO for ServUO

    I will upload my playermobile, you'll see where your missing a player flag and two bools. I'm not certain if your copy of servuo might be missing other edits, but at least it will get you a bit farther. Look for the PublicMyRunUO flag and bool and a ChangedMyRunUO bool. Make sure to back up...
  2. TheDoc

    MyRunUO for ServUO

    You bet :)
  3. TheDoc

    MyRunUO for ServUO

    Vitanex is an extension system of functions by Voxpire that aren't used for this myrunuo system, it is a whole different system. The reason you don't have MyRunUO is probably because they removed it until they improved it during your ServUO publish. So, you need to add the MyRunUO folder from...
  4. TheDoc

    MyRunUO for ServUO

    In the download you have a folder called scripts/MyRunUO. Those scripts need to replace the scripts in your servuo /Scripts/Services/MyRunUO folder. Vitanex isn't included with this, it's a whole separate system.
  5. TheDoc

    MyRunUO for ServUO

    The MyRunUO files you want to replace are in /Scripts/Services. Make sure you edit your database info in the PHP scripts. If you're on Linux, make sure you install the right ODBC connector. Once you're up and running watch the console for the message that it is updating the database and look for...
  6. TheDoc

    Automative Staff

    I love this :P case ( "report" ): { goto case "nark"; }
  7. TheDoc

    USA Flag

    The most beautiful flag in the world. /Salute!
  8. TheDoc

    MyRunUO for ServUO

    Tried it and it's flawless on Debian 9 first install. Really nice job.
  9. TheDoc

    Dynamic Loot

    Awesome. Could also use that calculation to add mob level or colored name in the mobile's name properties. Thanks! 1556138243
  10. TheDoc


    Awesome client. Works nice and fast on my future shard. Amazing :D Love the smooth video.
  11. TheDoc

    ACC... public gates and spell system.

    Here are updated working files. This system is not mine, the download and other files in this thread are too old for ServUO publis or corrupted. I just put the same fixes in as usual. I figured someone new would want a working copy for the latest ServUO.
  12. TheDoc

    Happy Easter

    Happy Easter everyone. Try as you might, Jesus cannot be res killed and he loves the worst of us.
  13. TheDoc

    Slap Me Now

    It's a waste because 1 person owns the majority of the better ones now,fakes connections, and is monopolizing the idea of free shards by pushing his. As I pointed out in my other post. It's exactly why I'm using forums, discord and social media once it is live. I already keep an updated facebook...
  14. TheDoc

    Hello everyone.

    As long as you're not interfering with the elections... :P
  15. TheDoc

    Squire System borrowed from RunUO

  16. TheDoc

    Adding Custom Wearables (clothing, armor, weapons)

    Is it a wearable? Some items in hand will look right on the paper doll , but will be standard in hand looking at the character top down without the custom image. I ran in to that problem.
  17. TheDoc

    Gizmo PvP Duel Event System

  18. TheDoc

    My little baby coming to life

    Just started coding. It'd s 20DOF hexapod. Object detection working. But will also have a tilt/pam camera using OpenCV and ROS to detect faces. Gonna add Google AIY voice to it for voice command. Right now it runs on 20 servos, and Audrino and a Raspberry Pi Zero
  19. TheDoc

    The turtorial may be in the zip file. the creator quit working on it due to copyright issues.

    The turtorial may be in the zip file. the creator quit working on it due to copyright issues.
  20. TheDoc

    search UoLive here. One of the posts has a tutorial. I used years ago and it worked well. I will...

    search UoLive here. One of the posts has a tutorial. I used years ago and it worked well. I will try to find that post for you.

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