If you're looking for a shard with staff that are almost always online give it a go.
Kitten is and has been dedicated to her shard for years and is also another shard owner that does not
play favorites and treats her players as family.
My issue is I call this code repeatedly to make a mobile change into random gear, but the list doesn't change so i wad trying to find a way to clear the list each call.
Shouldn't list.Clear() be safe to use to only remove item names from a list and not the actual item from game?
For example calling it here causes all items in pack to be deleted..
List<Server.Item> items = this.Backpack.Items;
for ( int i = items.Count - 1; i...
Yeah man. I'll definitley test it. I'm finishing up custom stuff for a new shard again and will be running on Linux so I'll try it out as soon as I'm ready, and tyvm :D
Didn't you make the PvM leaders script awhile back? That was an awesome one.
There was a guy that did this a few years ago on RunUO. He had a few people but I think a lot of folks were worried about that didn't want to share custom code were worried about it being taken. Pretty nice of you though. I know he did have several people with him to include a friend of mine.