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  1. IanSmellios

    Thank You!

    Thank You!
  2. IanSmellios

    Captcha! Anti-AFK checker

    This is great, Thanks!
  3. IanSmellios

    Happy Birthday Insanity!

    HEHE Thank You! I hope to be around here for many more! :D
  4. IanSmellios

    Hello ServUO Community

    Welcome @Artaius ! There are still a few of us kicking around UO.
  5. IanSmellios

    Happy Birthday Insanity!

    @Insanity Happy Birthday Insanity!!! Thank You for all that you are doing for the community!!
  6. IanSmellios

    Kingdom Come: Deliverance

    I know the feeling @Tresdni after seeing is not I told my brother then he gave me an early birthday present buying me a $45 pledge to Shroud of the Avatar. After playing the Release 2 of the Pre-Alpha(even with all the bugs) I will probably more than half my time playing and coding for UO, I...
  7. IanSmellios

    Kingdom Come: Deliverance

    NOOOO I didn't even notice!!
  8. IanSmellios

    Kingdom Come: Deliverance

    I live in Florida...we've got a few of those around here I'm sure HAHA
  9. IanSmellios

    Kingdom Come: Deliverance

    yeah, just watched the trailer on to it in the list of other videos was "The Awkward Rape Scene from Deliverance" HAHAHAHA "Sequel Like a pig! EEeEeeEe!!!!" HAHAHAHA never going to watch that movie!
  10. IanSmellios

    Kingdom Come: Deliverance

    Wow that's intense....
  11. IanSmellios

    hello to all

  12. IanSmellios

    Kingdom Come: Deliverance

  13. IanSmellios

    UltimaLive Map Streamer and Editor [Deleted]

    Does it work with the client?
  14. IanSmellios

    Kingdom Come: Deliverance

    That looks amazing!! How am I supposed to play UO, Shroud of the Avatar, and this all at the same time?!?!
  15. IanSmellios

    Another Share - A UO Unbound Benchmark

    What a great system! I can't wait to see it in action! Great job @Tresdni !!
  16. IanSmellios

    Few Minor Site Style Adjustments

    Looks great, Much much easier on the eyes now!
  17. IanSmellios

    Xantho's Auction

    Wow thanks @Insanity and @Kalamus ! It certainly makes a LOT more sense now!
  18. IanSmellios

    Hey all.

    Welcome to ServUO and I wish you all the best on your adventures.

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