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  1. darklotus

    Pre-AOS Runic Hammers

    Heres the entire function for BaseWeapon. ive added comments so you can follow along. Much better to understand whats going on so you can then do a similar thing your self in BaseArmor rather than just copy pasting. public int OnCraft( int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem...
  2. darklotus

    Pre-AOS Runic Hammers

    the version i posted was your version with the AOS+ code removed.
  3. darklotus

    Achievement System

    The github has been updated, should build with no issues now on servuo. There is a bug in the code to display sub categories though which ill get fixed next time im free.
  4. darklotus

    Pre-AOS Runic Hammers

    ah sorry your right the code for pre aos armor isnt included in the BaseArmor on craft any more. What i said above works for baseweapon though. You would need to modify your oncraft inside basearmor to modify the crafted item depending on resource/hammer as you see fit.
  5. darklotus

    Pre-AOS Runic Hammers

    You can use the ParagonChests or TreasureChests as inspiration, they contain code to generate random ruin/vanq etc weapons/armor. Or you can edit your BaseWeapon/BaseArmor and modify the OnCraft method, just change the lines that say if (Core.AOS) to if(false) in the OnCraft methods and it...
  6. darklotus

    Sorting players list

    line 56 players.OrderByDescending(p => p.Kills); replace with players = players.OrderByDescending(p => p.Kills);
  7. darklotus

    Sorting players list

    Get all your players in a list like this or how ever you like. var players = new List<Mobile>(); foreach(var ns in NetState.Instances) { players.Add(ns.Mobile); } Then just use OrderBy or OrderByDescending to sort as you wish like...
  8. darklotus

    The 4 Veterean House-Addon with Craft-functionality

    ah your right too, should have known it wasn't that simple. I cant use these anyway so I wont go any further but maybe it will provide some inspiration or something as without the BaseTool changes the amount of modified files would be greatly reduced.
  9. darklotus

    The 4 Veterean House-Addon with Craft-functionality

    I modified the above script so it does not require modifying any existing files, it's untested as i discovered my art.mul is too old or client 509 wont show them correctly. but if someone wants to test its a simple drop it in and add one of the deeds. no replacing any existing files. Based off...
  10. darklotus

    Public moongate using Html instead of HtmlLocalized

    Correct, so if you passed in a TextDefinition to the method that calls either AddHtml or AddHtmlLocalized, you can handle both. If you change PMEntry to use a TextDefinition instead of int then your constructors can look like new PMEntry( new Point3D( 270, 628, 15 ), 1063414 ) new PMEntry(...
  11. darklotus

    Public moongate using Html instead of HtmlLocalized

    Would be better to use TextDefinition in PMEntry instead of an int or a string,Then check if its a Number if so use AddHtmlLocalized if its a string use AddHtml.
  12. darklotus

    New House foundation

    Dont think it's possible without modifying the multi's since the foundations are in there. You could probably generate the foundation via script as just items but it would require hacking up the house system a fair bit.
  13. darklotus

    Achievement System

    it was mainly designed and tested on runuo 2.0 which is why i didnt use XML Saving. Not all achievement types will work without adding the missing event-sinks though, so either copy how they are implemented in servuo and implement them in your runuo or remove those achievement types.
  14. darklotus

    Achievement System

    you just uncomment line #1 in AchievmentSystem.cs to store info on an item instead but if you do want to use your own playerMobile you need the below. internal Dictionary<int, AchieveData> Achievements = new Dictionary<int, AchieveData>(); public int AchievementPointsTotal { get; set; }...
  15. darklotus

    Achievement System

    The errors you see will be because im using C#6 language features not due to old .net featureslol. You need to build Script.CS.dll in visual studio to use C#6 stuff or else go thru and remove any C#6 language stuff like property default values and such. If you set a break point you will find...
  16. darklotus


    obfuscated code for an over 15 year old game? no thanks. What possible reason could you have to obfuscate your code that isnt malicious?
  17. darklotus

    Wondering about versioning

    There is no versioning at the end of a script. A script is just a class, nothing more or less. I assume you mean the Serialise and Deserialize methods for saving and loading data about a script. You dont have to, but people store a version here so that an old version of the data can be loaded...
  18. darklotus

    Property from Item send gump to players.

    Sounds like you know how to do both already lol Check the property on the item first, if it doesnt match what you want, stop then loop thru all players in the same region and send the gump to them. You dont do both things at once, lay out what you want done on paper in pseudo code first...
  19. darklotus

    Create gump tutorial?

    Yeah new clients dont, nothing to stop you installing UO:ML to get the MUL's. Well worth it if you want a GUI for doing gumps in. Theres no way i could have created something like by hand. Personally ive not touched anything past client 6.0, I dont care for badly drawn dinosaurs and such.
  20. darklotus

    Opinions on VPS servers

    I've got servers with DigitalOcean and Vultr, only hosting web sites and backups but reasonable prices, and they are reliable.

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