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  1. Po0ka

    Random Player Names on item

    Take a look at how the [who command is handled. I guess you can work from that point.
  2. Po0ka

    Collect bod every 10 second

    Search where "Delay" is used. I'm pretty sure it's something like "TimeSpan.FromHours(Delay)" or something, just change the hour bit for "Seconds".
  3. Po0ka

    About selling recipes

    I lost nearly an hour gravitating around the solution and i just had to change my initial "new object[500]" to "new object[] {500}". My C# is way too rusty... xD
  4. Po0ka

    About selling recipes

    If you have difficulties with something, search the source or examples which do the same thing you want. If you read my post you can see the third and fourth constructors for the GenericBuyInfo (which is what you add to the list of stuffs to buy). Let's take the fourth one: public...
  5. Po0ka

    Slave System?

    public static void Initialize() { EventSink.Login += new LoginEventHandler(EventSink_Login); } private static void EventSink_Login(LoginEventArgs args) { ... }
  6. Po0ka

    Slave System?

    Do you want to have a gump that opens on login or something?
  7. Po0ka

    How to add a new prefix to the name similar to the Lady and Lord titles?

    PlayerMobile.cs, OnSingleClick, you should add it to the prefix. Just above the base.OnSingleClick( from ); Edit: Nope, that would be to add a new line. Title.cs public static string ComputeFameTitle(Mobile beheld) { int fame = beheld.Fame; int karma =...
  8. Po0ka

    Slave System?

    Seems like a good idea to me. Shouldn't be too complex. Are you in the process of planning everything?
  9. Po0ka

    Moving from Runuo to Servuo

    the format of the XML file is probably outdated?
  10. Po0ka

    Dirt and Cobblestone Roads

    Try with Centred+, it's a map editor, you will be able to add roads and much more. The only thing with that is you'll need to give the map files to the players that want to play your server. If you don't want to give them the map files, then you will have to add them manually.
  11. Po0ka

    Britain music

    Add the old music file in your UO client folder, edit your region file so it uses that music.
  12. Po0ka

    Britain music

    Check the region files.
  13. Po0ka

    Mondain's Steed

    It's mountid has to be set accordingly: 0x3E92 As for the script itself, i don't have the mobile and runuo is down. Perhaps someone has one, otherwise you would have to create it yourself.
  14. Po0ka

    Invis hue

    I suppose someone could make a "client crash fixer" script of some sort, that would loop through the items with that flag and reset the colors and dump the changed items serials in a log file. Or it could even be a simple prevention in the Hue setter. Such bug could be avoided on the serverside...
  15. Po0ka

    Add Bug

    Is your server config pointing toward the right directory? Check DataPath.cfg in the Config folder.
  16. Po0ka

    EvoMerc & Deed

    You will have to convert the scripts to be compatible with the ServUO core files. You will have to check how other scripts handle the command system, then editing the old RunUO script to replicate the new system. However, I can't offer any help past that line. Someone else might be more...
  17. Po0ka

    EvoMerc & Deed
  18. Po0ka

    Serv UO Shard Listing

    Yes, and most of them are owned by the same guy. The more you place online, the better it is though.
  19. Po0ka

    About selling recipes

    One problem is if the constructor of the items takes some arguments, you won't be able to enter it by the way you suggested. Ex: adding a runic hammer to a vendor would require some extra tweaks from what i remember, as you have to supply the resource. Here's the GenericBuy script constructors...

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