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  1. Barclay

    Moving ServUO to a different computer

    Yes, administrator account. I'll try launching as Admin to be sure.Yeah, same error as Admin.
  2. Barclay

    Moving ServUO to a different computer

    Change the datapath but I get the same error: ServUO - [] Version 0.5, Build 7114.34660 - Build on 6/24/2019 7:15:20 PM UTC - Release Core: Optimizing for 4 64-bit processors Core: Compiled for .NET MONO/CSC/Unknown RandomImpl: CSPRandom (Software) Core: Loading config...
  3. Barclay

    Moving ServUO to a different computer

    Change the datapath - same error. ServUO - [] Version 0.5, Build 7114.34660 - Build on 6/24/2019 7:15:20 PM UTC - Release Core: Optimizing for 4 64-bit processors Core: Compiled for .NET MONO/CSC/Unknown RandomImpl: CSPRandom (Software) Core: Loading config... Scripts...
  4. Barclay

    Moving ServUO to a different computer

    I don't know. It's not something I consciously changed. Do you see a problem there?
  5. Barclay

    Moving ServUO to a different computer

    I wasn't sure how much to snip: #region References using System; using System.IO; using Microsoft.Win32; using Ultima; #endregion namespace Server.Misc { public class DataPath { /* If you have not installed Ultima Online, * or wish the server to use a separate set of...
  6. Barclay

    Moving ServUO to a different computer

    Here are the new errors. It goes on like this, I say Y to delete, Y to delete types, try again and it picks another error to delete: ServUO - [] Version 0.5, Build 7104.32885 - Build on 6/14/2019 6:16:10 PM UTC - Release Core: Optimizing for 4 64-bit processors Core...
  7. Barclay

    Moving ServUO to a different computer

    No, it's the strangest thing. Made sure the game clients, both the old client and the enhanced client are in exactly the same spots they are on the old computer. I tried doing an image copy of the old computer, where everything works great, as soon as it's on the new computer tons of errors...
  8. Barclay

    Moving ServUO to a different computer

    To remove one obstacle I upgraded the new computer to Windows 10. The old and new computer are running the same version of .NET If I copy the entire server folder from the old computer to the new computer it still does not work.... what the heck am I missing?
  9. Barclay

    Warwickshire is now live! 2539 My dedicated server is now ready for players to explore. This is a roleplay friendly shard. All new accounts receive a stat ball and a skill ball to eliminate all that initial grinding. You also receive 10k gold and a book that allows you to travel around the world...
  10. Barclay

    Moving ServUO to a different computer

    Ladies and Gents, I have a problem. My current ServUO computer is multipurpose and I want a dedicated server for ServUO. So I have purchased an identical computer except in two regards. The current ServUO computer is Windows 10 and has two physical hard drives, ServUO being installed on the D...
  11. Barclay

    Add item to all account bank boxes

    Perfect - works like a charm.
  12. Barclay

    xmlspawner, forcing gender

    Ah yes - I wondered about that. Thank-you. I will try it tonight.
  13. Barclay

    xmlspawner, forcing gender

    I have added an XMLSPAWNER crystal and I've been able to specify the NPC type I want to spawn, along with a customer name. I cannot get the gender to stick though. I looked in the PROPS of an NPC and couldn't find a gender value but I did find a setting called 'female'. However, setting this to...
  14. Barclay

    Add item to all account bank boxes

    There are no errors, but perhaps I'm entering the wrong command line to activate it on my admin account. The files are in my custom script folder. What would be the command to activate?
  15. Barclay

    Add item to all account bank boxes

    This sounds ideal but I cannot figure out how to install it.
  16. Barclay

    Add item to all account bank boxes

    Is it possible to place an object in the bank box of all existing accounts? What about the backpack also?
  17. Barclay

    How to increase followers?

    That's awesome :)
  18. Barclay

    Increase house limit

    i looked in then and think I made the correct edit, but I still get a warning message when I try to place another house that the existing house will be condemned. # Number of houses allowed per account # Note that only the most recently placed house will auto-refresh AccountHouseLimit=5
  19. Barclay

    Increase house limit

    I've been searching old posts here and elsewhere for a way to increase the number of houses allowed per account. The scripts I am finding date from a few years back and don't seem to match the layout of the current files. Does anyone have the information on what I need to change and where?
  20. Barclay

    Samurai empire?

    No - I downloaded ServUO from fresh here last week. I've added a few scripts in the custom scripts folder. 1560114951 Well that's an odd thing. I changed it to HS and now the functionality works in game! Thank-you for your help and guidance on this one.

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