Search results

  1. How can set skill difficulty?

    so i edit all 2 change 0.25 is faster than now?
  2. How can set skill difficulty?

    so i need to edit which scripts?
  3. How can set skill difficulty?

    i found misc/skillcheck.cs just found it this scripts if (from.Skills.Cap == 0) return false; bool success = (chance >= Utility.RandomDouble()); double gc = (double)(from.Skills.Cap - from.Skills.Total) / from.Skills.Cap; gc +=...
  4. How can set skill difficulty?

    how can change skill difficulty to easy training? anyone can teach me? thx:(
  5. my shard version is

    ok thx:D
  6. my shard version is

    so you mean my uopatch is, they need verison ? so i just need my uopatch.exe update, they can use to play?
  7. my shard version is

    my shard version is, but now newest version client is so, anyone have client or how can stay 7.0.47? other question, shard how can update the client version? just host version exchange, it will be update? help me thx:(
  8. how can add any item on shard for link browser?

    how can do it ? plz help me thx:(
  9. staff how can see player house?

    i forgot.. much like have staff command can use.. who can tell me:(
  10. how can use xmlspawner smart spawn?

    basic xmlspawner can detect player to near spawner, it just respawn how can set up this option? help me thx:(
  11. servuo can use pet leash?

    can you give me link?
  12. servuo can use pet leash?

    can you see the folder? help me fix it
  13. servuo can use pet leash?

    anyone have ? i found the shrink system for runuo, in servuo cannot used how can fix the bug?
  14. Why my shard banker cannot made the cheque?

    AccountGold.ConvertOnBank = true; AccountGold.ConvertOnTrade = false; this one? how can make the cheque or how can prefer the old system?
  15. Why my shard banker cannot made the cheque?

    i see , so how can make the cheque? and other question, can you teach me how can edit prefer the old system
  16. Why my shard banker cannot made the cheque?

    he said : we no longer offer a checking service how can fix this problem? help me teach me:( thx
  17. why my shard drop on floor items will not clear?

    yeah, how can modifications the time?
  18. why my shard drop on floor items will not clear?

    player/me drop on the floor items will not disappear what's matter? plz help me:(

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