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  1. Denjiki

    Ilshenar/britain deco fixes

    Yeah I think I know where you're talking about. I use the exodus map that has blackthorn's castle and gargoyle city still. It's a shame really that OSI doesn't use them, blackthorn's castle is really cool and so is gargoyle city.
  2. Denjiki

    Ilshenar/britain deco fixes

    Are all these decorations OSI accurate? If so this should probably be submitted as a pull request to the repo.
  3. Denjiki

    chars cant move in termur anymore since last client update

    Well yes, it is quite useful if you want to add additional maps. But the reason I was wondering was just because UltimaLive caches map files in a certain folder and that could be one potential cause for a problem like yours ; but since you don't use it obviously that's not the problem :).
  4. Denjiki

    chars cant move in termur anymore since last client update

    Hmm, do you have UltimaLive?
  5. Denjiki

    Clean up the world filter problem

    I think one possible way to do this would be in foreach ( Item itemdel in World.Items.Values ) { if ( itemdel.Parent == null ) { itemsdel.Add( itemdel ); countItems +=1; } } Maybe add another "if" statement under the if ( itemdel.Parent == null ) to check if itemdel is a house or an item...
  6. Denjiki

    VirtualArmor = 50

    Awesome. I'm sure I could have looked that up myself but I'm pretty mentally exhausted from my stats exam studying, so I thank you sir :)
  7. Denjiki

    VirtualArmor = 50

    Was kinda wondering this myself so this was helpful. I just figured it was some sort of flat damage reduction value, though I was unsure of the actual arithmetic behind it. If it was used pre-aos does that mean that it checks Core.AOS when calculating virtual armor into damage? Otherwise it'd...
  8. Denjiki

    chars cant move in termur anymore since last client update

    As long as you have the newest client files in both your server and client folders, everything should sync up. When the server has a newer version map files and your client has older version or visa versa you will run into issues like that (usually only when there's an expansion difference...
  9. Denjiki

    Altar of Medusa snake eggs is no use? What was that for?

    Last I checked the peerless bosses you mentioned worked fine, as others have said you are probably not doing the summoning correctly or other requirements. I also did not read the code however, it wasn't in tags and so was wayyyy too long. Need to use [c ode] and [/c ode] (without the space...
  10. Denjiki

    On the question of world output

    The [XmlSpawnerSaveAll command didn't work? It should've exported all your spawns into whatever filename you put when you did the command. The file should be in your ServUO\Spawns folder by default. As for saving all decorations, doors, signs, etc i'm actually not sure if/how you can do that.
  11. Denjiki

    On the question of world output

    If you're looking on how to use xmlspawner to save the spawns of your current map, here are the commands: [XmlSpawnerSave <SpawnFile> This will save all xmlspawners from the current map onto the filename you specify. Example: [XmlSpawnerSave MyFeluccaSpawns.xml [XmlSpawnerSaveAll <SpawnFile>...
  12. Denjiki

    Death Penalty Help

    maybe try this for (int s = 0; s < from.Skills.Length; s++) { if (from.Skills[s].Base >= 90) { from.Skills[s].Base -= .1; break; } if...
  13. Denjiki

    Server crashing going to custom map

    You havent said whether you tried my suggestions or not of clearing the program data folder, using the original igrping.dll, etc. I can assume you tried them to no avail, but how am i to keep making suggestions if you dont give feedback or further information? You havent specified your client...
  14. Denjiki

    Noob needs help

    At some point it seems like youll want to remote in to your server anyway, so why not just remote into it and set up servuo?
  15. Denjiki

    Server crashing going to custom map

    When i had ulive working i had 3 extra custom maps with spawns working just fine. So not sure what the deal is but i am going to try with a fresh servuo as well -- ill let you know how it goes. Very into fallout 4 atm though so until i get bored with that i wont be messing with servuo a whole...
  16. Denjiki

    Server crashing going to custom map

    Hard to say what the issue is if you can't even sign in. It could be something you did wrong with map dimensions and/or other things set in your MapRegistry.cs and MapDefinitions.cs, client issue, etc. If you had it working before and the only change you've done was what I suggested above...
  17. Denjiki

    Death Penalty Help

    Can you attach your ResurrectGump.cs file?
  18. Denjiki

    Death Penalty Help

    Have you tried adding "continue" to the end of each "if" and "elseif" statements? for (int s = 0; s < from.Skills.Length; s++) { if (from.Skills[s].Base > 90) { from.Skills[s].Base -= .1; continue; }...
  19. Denjiki

    Server crashing going to custom map

    Yes, you should. If you plan on making any xmlspawners in that map, you will need to change that line in xmlspawner2.cs otherwise the spawner may think it is on a different map/facet/whatever. In fact, I think when ServUO changed the Xmlspawner folder in the repository and I did the same on my...
  20. Denjiki

    Server crashing going to custom map

    Try finding XmlSpawner2.cs and find this line: // sector hashtable for each map private static Dictionary<Sector, List<XmlSpawner>>[] GlobalSectorTable = new Dictionary<Sector, List<XmlSpawner>>[6]; I -think- this tells XMLspawner how many maps you have. Since you have an extra map, this...

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