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  1. Izex

    How to give gifts to players when they log in to the game ?

    There is a script on the forums called Pandora's Gift Box use that.
  2. Izex

    Standalone Discord bot. [Paid]

    Ah, okay. Thanks for the information.
  3. Izex

    Standalone Discord bot. [Paid]

    What exactly does this bot do? What kind of messages does it send to Discord?
  4. Izex

    Paragon UO

    We have about 8-10 players on daily and I just released a new dungeon and new custom boss!
  5. Izex

    Sell Pet (RunUO 2.2)

    So I noticed you can sell mercenaries and summons which can be easily exploited.
  6. Izex

    Custimable Vote Stone

    I get the same errors as danielsheep :(
  7. Izex

    Need help removing trammel from public moongates.

    Look at PublicMoongate.cs I think you could just change Trammel to Felucca and then remove the 2nd count += MoonGen(PMList.Felucca);
  8. Izex

    Overriding Combat Music

    I am pretty sure you could just go to your UO game's music folder and replace the music files and as long as you have the correct names it will play those instead no scripting needed.
  9. Izex

    Conecting from external IP

    Check SocketOptions.cs and make sure line 13 is new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, Port) If it is you can change that to new IPEndPoint( IPAddress.Parse( "" ), 2593 ), // Listen on port 2593 on IP address just replace with your public IP ( will show you your...
  10. Izex

    Paragon UO

    While this shard is currently being developed I am looking for people to help test out the content and systems that are available and give feedback. Sovereigns (store currency) can be earned or obtained via donations and by completing achievements or by joining in events. I do want to let...
  11. Izex

    Multiple spawns

    If you know how to do it with one just do it again with the other four. Make four separate monsters each with the on death spawn ie Monster A dies Monster B then on Monster B's script do on death spawn Monster C and repeat. I am sure there is a better way to do it but I don't know too much coding.
  12. Izex

    Allowing players to login with multiple clients under one account

    I wouldn't say it's impossible but it would require a lot of work and research.
  13. Izex

    Evo Dragons

    [add creature/item name here
  14. Izex

    Evo Dragons

    Yes under the scripts folder so it would be, ServUO/Scripts/Custom but it seems you will have to fix a lot of the scripts to make it work with the newest version.
  15. Izex

    Ultima Online: New Legacy

    They are not starting legacy servers it's more like a separate game mode.
  16. Izex

    Pet Training for Custom Creatures

    Awesome thank you :D
  17. Izex

    Pet Training for Custom Creatures

    I wanted to make another creature and allow people to train it like any other pet but I can't find out how to get the pet training option to work. I have controlslotsmax set to 5 (min is 2) but when I click begin pet training nothing happens. Any help is appreciated.
  18. Izex

    Error during Make

    I get the following error when I do make. I appreciate any help and I am running the latest Ubuntu version. root@Linux-XPS-8300:/srv/ServUO# make csc -win32icon:`pwd`/Server/servuo.ico -r:`pwd`/Ultima.dll,System.Drawing.dll -nowarn:0618,0219,0414,1635 -target:exe -out:`pwd`/ServUO.exe -d:MONO...
  19. Izex

    Invasion System

  20. Izex

    Invasion System

    Why isn't Brit an option for the city invasion?

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