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  1. Grimoric

    ServUO and UO Mondain's Legacy

    How does your load screen look? Do you have any line saying that the server is restricting a client version? Like this? If it says 7.x.x.x then your server targeting wrong client. -Grim
  2. Grimoric

    UO ML Fully Patched To

    It would be easier to rewrite the packet handling and run a Pre-T2A client, I have tried before and succeed to lockout all newer client in the process but it worked. This would in the same time give us all old client buggs back and no blocking arrows for skills, no speed hack protection and...
  3. Grimoric

    UO ML Fully Patched To

    I made a T2A based client (copied everything from T2A files into ML and left alla ML things untouched) with full support for ML items and monsters: I think you can use it for a Pre-T2A server I don't think it have been...
  4. Grimoric

    T2A / Virtual Armor

    Some of the code is functions inside the exe file. The only call we have is attack(mob_attacker, mob_target) and we can't see the calculations in a internal function. The demo have to be run with IDA dissembler to see what is happen in the internal function.
  5. Grimoric

    T2A / Virtual Armor

    They are using data from the demo. VirtualArmors real name in the demo is naturalac and is short for Natrual Armor Class. A Orc Captain looks like this: # orc captain Difficulty 6 <type NORMAL ORC_CAP> <frequency 95> <region { ORCCAPSMALL 0 ORCCAPMEDIUM 0 ORCCAPLARGE...
  6. Grimoric

    Free Webpage host?

    Here are some free.. But with $3 /mo you can complain if it do not work and here you cant. - Grim
  7. Grimoric

    Someone killed

    ...and it is just like 50 threads on it. It was registered then .com did go down. :)
  8. Grimoric

    Someone killed

    Bandwidth Limit Exceeded The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to the site owner reaching his/her bandwidth limit. Please try again later. --- That was a new one. :) - Grim
  9. Grimoric

    could someone recommend a remote host

    My Demo/Playground NUC have a 1.1Ghz Celeron@ CPU 847 processor with 4GB memory and 32GB SSD running Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB and I'm on a 100/100 connection. It can hold 10-15 people without lag. I haven't tested with more yet. It is a T2A server and I have done/working on some heavy...
  10. Grimoric

    could someone recommend a remote host

    This is also a nice solution if you have a "own" windows licenses. This way you don't need to pay extra for it and can do your own config offline. $10 - $80 /mo - Grim Edit:, and...
  11. Grimoric

    Uploading to a server question

    You can set the directory in //Server/Scripts/Misc/DataPath.cs if you don't wish to install the client and you need the follow files from it. Multi.idx Multi.mul VerData.mul TileData.mul Map*.mul or Map*LegacyMUL.uop StaIdx*.mul Statics*.mul MapDif*.mul MapDifL*.mul StaDif*.mul StaDifL*.mul...
  12. Grimoric

    could someone recommend a remote host

    I would go with a host at home solution with a NUC untill the player base have outgrown it. In this way it will easy save some cash untill it have been outgrown and you know you like to run a full featured server and spend the administration time on it. The only question is what internet line...
  13. Grimoric


    I did some digging in my SQL server and found this links. The first post explains that DynamicSaveStrategy was a experiment to take over for the not so good working ParallelSaveStrategy. Experimental Feature: DynamicSaveStrategy [2010-12-18] Quad core issue or am i screwed? [2012-10-01]...
  14. Grimoric

    What ripoff!

    Just to let everyone else to know... "Ultima Online Charter Edition" Disc is exactly the same as the original disc. (Ultima Online v1.25) Only difference is the silver dragon on it. I did find disc only copy of it for 10 dollar witch was a waste of money. Now everyone knows! - Grim
  15. Grimoric

    Old Haven

    The issue you have now is that the server trying to use a newer cliloc table then what your client and server have. ServUO/RunUO have been upgraded to the newest client and the string ids are hard coded in the server. It tried to pick up text strings from the database in a range that your...
  16. Grimoric

    Old Haven

    You have to have same data files for both server and client to get the best result. (1) If you are having trouble try to point the path in the file DataPath.cs to your server data files. (your mul files for the server) (line...
  17. Grimoric

    Client version questions

    I have done that graphic work on a client. I will put the torrent online again at 30 december i'm on holiday.
  18. Grimoric

    Some questions from a beginner!

    Your local address will be some where in the range of this ip numbers: - - - looking like this: C:\>ipconfig Windows IP Configuration Ethernet adapter Ethernet: Connection-specific DNS Suffix . ...
  19. Grimoric

    Some questions from a beginner!

    Well it is in Swedish but the important things can still be seen.
  20. Grimoric

    Trying to remember the name of a script

    The only thing that comes into my mind would be arcane gems for clothering.

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