Search results

  1. Omni

    A New Shard

    I don't actually agree to much with donations as they allow some people the ability to get things others can't. I will probably create a new player gate system so their first character per account can use the gate to boost their starting skills. This along with the ability to earn skill...
  2. Omni

    A New Shard

    I understand where you are coming from this is something that im going to have to give some serious thought into.. Maybe i can look at incorporating a new style of bod system that gives players skill gains in crafting skills instead of items and possible a bounty system that gives combat skills..
  3. Omni

    A New Shard

    I actually thought about using quests aswel but then i sat back and thought about the New Haven quests that have accelarated skill gains in certain area's and the lack of how they are used... I could upgrade these quests to give better rewards and a skill increase but i still feel again that...
  4. Omni

    A New Path

    Hello Baelen and welcome to Servuo.. If your looking at expaning you knowledge in C# might i suggest C# for dummies this was one of the first books i ever read on c# and i found it gave me a very quick basic understanding of how things work.. Please feel free to ask any questions you will...
  5. Omni

    A New Shard

    Yeah a increase skill gain is a must i know everyone hates training skills.. I have a working powerhour system aswel that would grant players increased gains at certain times of the day depending on when there first gain was.. I am even looking into making skill balls or something drop on a...
  6. Omni

    A New Shard

    Ive been looking at the current active shards recently and to me they all look pretty much the same.. It seems people like the T2A era style shards with some minor custom features.. Ive been thinking about making a shard of a more modern Era. I was wondering what features players would be...
  7. Omni

    Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas Everyone
  8. Omni

    Bit about Me

    Greetings Servuo My name is Omni im a long time fan of UO and recently returning to the community.. Ive not been around UO in about a year due to personal circumstances but I am glad to return.. I am a fairly capable scripter and some of you would know me under a different name which I might...

Active Shards


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