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  1. arvoreen

    Port forwarding.. help?!

    Yup, that should in theory work. Here's hoping!
  2. arvoreen

    Port forwarding.. help?!

    You would need to set up port forwarding on the main router same as you did on the one we're looking at, just using as the private ip, 2593 for ports all around
  3. arvoreen

    Port forwarding.. help?!

    I guess you'd want the main router to forward port 2593 to port 2593, which would theoretically forward it to as you already set up. We hope. :)
  4. arvoreen

    Port forwarding.. help?!

    That all looks correct. The weirdness that I'm seeing is that your router says your WAN IP is a 192.168.x.x address, which are reserved for internal networks, so this indicates that you have a router plugged into a router, and we need to configure the router at to forward port 2593...
  5. arvoreen

    Port forwarding.. help?!

    Yep, both 2593 if you're using everything default. The "private ip address" needs to be the IP of the computer running the server. Easiest way to get this is press windows key + R to get the Run box, type "cmd" in the box (no quotes), then at the command prompt that comes up, type "ipconfig"...
  6. arvoreen

    Port forwarding.. help?!

    Your guesswork is pretty good, nice job! Although I'm fairly sure you only need TCP for UO, forwarding both TCP and UDP shouldn't hurt anything. The inbound port 2593 is correct if using default UO ports. Private IP is the IP of the computer running the server, usually starts with 192.168...
  7. arvoreen

    Adding flags to character creation...

    Modify the method EventSink_CharacterCreated, below the lines if (pm.IsPlayer() && ((Account)pm.Account).Young) young = pm.Young = true; do a check on args.Profession to see if it's 0, and if so make young false. I think that would do it.
  8. arvoreen

    Adding new variable to PlayerMobile.cs

    writer.Write(29); //version should be writer.Write(30); // version in your Serialize.
  9. arvoreen

    Help loading ride with 2 stages (Delete this item? on console)

    Your serialize and deserialize do not match. Everything written in serialize must be read back in the same order it was written in deserialize.
  10. arvoreen

    Skill cap

    [global set skillscap xxxxx where playermobile That should update the skillscap for all existing players. Replace xxxxx with what you want the skillscap to be x10. So, for 1000 skillscap, it would be 10000.
  11. arvoreen

    Getting server information into variables

    What happens when it doesn't work? Need more to go on :)
  12. arvoreen

    Cant Compile....

    I just download a fresh copy of the repo, and didn't have any trouble running a make on it. The missing types mentioned are located in Server/BaseVendor.cs, you could check to make sure that file exists and isn't broken. Also make sure Server/Interfaces.cs is using Server.Mobiles;
  13. arvoreen

    Help In Learning how to start

    Some other stuff that will help - Navigating/manipulating files and folders on your computer - Beginning C# (classes, methods, properties, inheritance) (google "C# beginner tutorial" or something like that, there's a billion of them) - Get visual studio community edition or some sort of editing...
  14. arvoreen

    Moindain Quest Cool down timer?

    I usually try to reference ServUO source when attempting to help, but I couldn't even find the ML Quest system classes looking through the repo. least in regards to RunUO, I know the MLQuest class (in RunUO, found in Scripts/Engines/MLQuests) contains the following you can use for...
  15. arvoreen

    paragon artifact drop rate

    If you want to get a bit more visual, add to your output what the random number ends up being, i.e. replace return chance > Utility.RandomDouble(); with double artyRnd = Utility.RandomDouble(); Console.WriteLine("Arty number: {0}", artyRnd); return chance > artyRnd;
  16. arvoreen


    I think I ran into this problem while using UOSteam, and having the Commands prefix option set to the same character the server was using. I switched it from [ to - and the problem went away. If you're using UO Steam, you should check that out. :)
  17. arvoreen

    paragon artifact drop rate

    I believe that would give a maximum of 20% chance, as Math.Max uses the larger of the 2 values passed to it.
  18. arvoreen

    paragon artifact drop rate

    double chance = 1 / (Math.Max(10, 100 * (0.83 - Math.Round(Math.Log(Math.Round(fame / 6000, 3) + 0.001, 10), 3))) * (100 - Math.Sqrt(m.Luck)) / 100.0); Console.WriteLine("{0} chance of artifact from {1}", chance, bc.Name); return chance > Utility.RandomDouble(); } *edit: Also note, using...
  19. arvoreen

    paragon artifact drop rate

    I see chance = math math math fame math math luck divided by 100. If I were trying to tweak this, I would just add above the return line "chance *= 1.5;" or something, and tweak that up/down until it was where I wanted. Possibly even write the chance to the console so I have a visual of the odds...
  20. arvoreen

    New and hope this is the rightish place.

    I'm going to guess, for whatever reason, the crash is coming from "recipes[Utility.Random(recipes.Count)]", due to the Utility.Random(recipes.Count) returning a number above/below the actual number of recipes present, or perhaps it hits a recipe that is broken, so returns null when created...

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