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  1. Kalamus

    Back to 2.3

    The only other thing I can think of is ServUO is having permission problems reading the files. Either because of where they are located or because your client is also using them at the same time. What I did with mine was I copied my whole UO install to a new location like "C:\UOServerFiles" and...
  2. Kalamus

    Back to 2.3

    Ok I see you issue in the screenshot on the last page. You have @"C:\...\Electronic Arts\Ultimal Online Classic". Check your spelling on the path. Ultima is spelled wrong for sure ;). Yes Nerun's Distro should work with ServUO.
  3. Kalamus

    Back to 2.3

    That error you are seeing is from OpenUO. It looks like you have OpenUOSDK setup right. My only guess is you are using an old client that OpenUO doesn't read maybe? OpenUO was added for support of the newer clients. Which client version are you using?
  4. Kalamus


    Howdy. Welcome to ServUO :)
  5. Kalamus

    Back to 2.3

    I no watched forums. Just a few threads, this one had 76 replies since I posted last night :). I was scared for a minute there. @Rochaven looks like you have it setup right. What client version are you using?
  6. Kalamus

    Back to 2.3

    Whew, everyone is ok... Woke up with 81 emails and 78 alerts ;). Glad you got it all worked out Rochaven :).
  7. Kalamus

    Back to 2.3

    Well you probably wouldn't find RunUO 2.4 or 2.5 here although ServUO is built off 2.5 ;) If you are still looking for RunUO 2.5 you can find it here
  8. Kalamus

    Workaround for playermobile edit?

    Not sure this would be possible. What PlayerMobile needs is a AddCustomContextEntries() method like BaseCreature has that would allow just what you want but without something like that you need the edit in PlayerMobile. Good suggestion for an edit to be added to ServUO :)
  9. Kalamus

    -Arya Battle Chess- Publish 54--0.9--

    @Tresdni ok I had time to dig a bit deeper into the code. Granted I get what you are saying that it's always best to avoid core edits and I'm not trying to contradict you in any way. I looked into the movement event you posted above and it's not fired unless the movement check I posted above...
  10. Kalamus

    -Arya Battle Chess- Publish 54--0.9--

    Ok I understand how to use events understand the example you have above. If I catch your drift you are telling me to ignore the CanMoveOver altogether and just use a custom event that fires that forces the npc to move where you want it (that is if all the built in move methods don't use the...
  11. Kalamus

    -Arya Battle Chess- Publish 54--0.9--

    I totally agree. I'm not trying to say you are wrong. I'm just trying learn. No clue how to do a movement eventhandler sync. That one goes over my head :).
  12. Kalamus

    -Arya Battle Chess- Publish 54--0.9--

    You can't override the CanMoveOver though. That's part of the Movement.cs in scripts which gets called through the Server\Movement.cs. Unless I'm missing something that call isn't part of a mobile.
  13. Kalamus

    -Arya Battle Chess- Publish 54--0.9--

    Well the chess system is fixed and I wouldn't change either of those after thinking about why they were in place after posting. You would end up with a ton of mobs all on top of each other and all able to reach you to attack. Both are checked for a npc to move though. Like I said, only did minor...
  14. Kalamus

    -Arya Battle Chess- Publish 54--0.9--

    Well I'm probably not smarter than you but I might be a bit more determined. I know you resolved the issue with this script already but I think I finally nailed down the issue with npc trying to walk over another npc. I only did minor test with this using a npc trying to walk to a waypoint that...
  15. Kalamus

    Always bothered me...

    That's why I'm here. I love helping and solving problems. I have nothing against beginners and I'm not forgetting or leaving anyone out :). Just have to say, I don't know anything about your coding skills but you have one hell of decorating skills Milva. I would trade my coding for your...
  16. Kalamus

    Always bothered me...

    There is a ton I still don't know about RunUO/ServUO or even C# for that matter. I just got into RunUO a little more than a year ago (and really haven't been around the last year due to RL) and started C# for the first time. I have been dabbling with VB for years now but never touched C# until I...
  17. Kalamus

    This is what Lord British (Richard Garriott de Cayeux) Creator of Ultima Thinks of FreeShards.

    Cool deal. Glad you posted the time-stamp because I wasn't about to watch 6 hours :p
  18. Kalamus

    Always bothered me...

    Pretty much what Ravenwolfe said. I don't really mind the donations much. If they have a fun shard and people are willing to donate then more power to them. I understand plenty of people don't know how to program and I'm one of the guys on the forums fixing this for them. I do believe people...
  19. Kalamus

    Just my own hello

    Welcome, glad you decided to join us :)
  20. Kalamus

    Happy Birthday Insanity!

    Happy Birthday!

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