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  1. Double-Clicking to Equip

    It seems to be a very common feature on most server. Is it a repo ServUO feature? Or did people edit their item/basearmor/baseweapon (I hope it doesn't consist on adding a ondoubleclick on every equipables :P )
  2. AOE Effect

    Currently, if you add an AreaEffect to tamables, they will attack the owners secondary pets (if theres more than 1) if the owner is red/criminal I know its from "ValidIndirectTarget" In Spellhelper.cs (Line 500) but Im not certain what should be changed so its only attacking harmful targets...
  3. AOE and houses

    Did someone ever figure out how to make it so people weren't killable inside houses? From AOE and explosion potions?
  4. Weird server crash (logs + codes)

    For weird reasons, I am getting those crashes. I am thinking that this is coming from lines of codes that made warriors strongers against monsters.. THANK YOU! public virtual void AlterMeleeDamageFrom(Mobile from, ref int damage) { int toDamage =...
  5. Online Reward

    I saw not too long ago a script about players being rewarded for being online and now I cannot find it :( Anyone knows which one I am talking about? TY!
  6. Shard Crashed when docking Galleons

    For unknown reasons, server crashes when docking a galleon (Or one of the new ship) it seems to be doing it with a fresh ServUO as well. Any fix known? Server crashes when I doubleclick the GalleonPilot (from outside) Server crashes when I use the dock ship context menu (from outside)
  7. Give my character a title

    What about the ones Above the name?
  8. Line to disable RisingTide?

    I would like to make so when a player does a certain act it disables Rising Tide but I cannot find the line that would make it so I found "if (Server.Engines.Points.PointsSystem.RisingTide.Enabled)" and I believe it should be something similar, I just haven't been able to find it, anyone has a...
  9. Type group?

    I wanted to make a group/list for types, how would one do such a thing? So whenever I want a group of monsters I could do new Type(1, typeof(Ophidian)) and it would create a random ophidian, thank you!
  10. wanting to change [recall animation from smoke to glacial flamestrike.

    Well change "0x3728" to the wanted ID
  11. Talisman Issue

    I have been using Natfoth Passive Item and I am trying to make it so it applies to talisman. public override void OnDamage(int amount, Mobile from, bool willKill) { if ( FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Talisman ) is BasePassiveItem passiveItem ) passiveItem.OnDamageGiven(this, amount, from...
  12. Passive Item System

    #region Natfoth Passive Item System Edit #1 if (from != null && from.Backpack != null && from.Backpack.Items.Count > 0) { var passiveItems = from.FindItemsByType(typeof(BasePassiveItem)).ToList(); foreach (var passiveItem in passiveItems) {...
  13. Notoriety on corpses

    Any way to make it show the notoriety?
  14. ServUO- Pet Damage cap for PVP

    What if we wanted to damage cap pvp? 1614351054 int PVP_DAMAGE_CAP = 30; if (from != null && from.Player) { amount = Math.Min(amount, PVP_DAMAGE_CAP); // pick the lesser of amount or the pet damage cap } Isnt working..
  15. Mob Health Bar

    Apparently its not that, whenever I respawn a monster it appears okay, it changes with time
  16. Health Bar

    For unknown reason, I just realized that after some time, NPC bars become empty If I reload the XMLSpawner, it will be full. Anyone knows why?
  17. Mob Health Bar

    Anyone knows why this happen ? And where should I go to fix it, monsters HP only update once you attack them, beforehand, they appear to be at like 1 HP Thank you!
  18. Damage Cap

    Where should one go to cap damage (in pvp) Im looking at Spell.cs and Baseweapon/BaseArchery but I do not seem to find out where I believe its something like if (damage> 35.0) damage = 35.0; but im not sure, thank you!

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