Search results

  1. Fireball

    Gold stacking

    I don't actually remember if the problem existed on OSI back in the day which is odd because as guildmaster and the guy in charge of guild money I should remember something like this which I would have bumped into almost every day. I will be activating one of my old OSI accounts soon to have a...
  2. Fireball

    XML Spawner latest version will not compile

    Sorry I should have posted back here that this worked. Thanks Ravenwolfe. For anyone else with this problem, the file is \Scripts\Customs\XmlSpawner Core\XmlAttach\XmlAttach.cs For me it is around line 2375
  3. Fireball

    Gold stacking

    Hi, I have a gold stacking issue. If I have a stack of 40000 gold and drop another 30000 gold onto it I would expect it to make one stack of 60000 gold and a new stack of 10000. For some reason it does not do this but just drops the 30K to a new stack. It also does this with wooden boards so I...
  4. Fireball

    Harvesting and system message help

    Hi, When harvesting with a Razor Macro, the out of resource message, for example "There is not enough wood here to harvest" does not get picked up as a SysMsg by Razor (I just use the word "enough" when playing on UOSA which works fine, but on UO Ren and on my own shard this does not work). It...
  5. Fireball

    Custom houses - AddonGen and UO Architect help please

    Thank you very much for that. I've now found a copy of the 7.0.15 client which I started with originally (aren't backups wonderful?) and this still uses MUL files so I think I will use that as it would seem less hassle. I can't imagine that much will have changed between that and the latest...
  6. Fireball

    Custom houses - AddonGen and UO Architect help please

    As further to this, I have found a copy of Client 7.0.10 on another computer here and UO Fiddler and UO Architect both work with this as far as I can tell so far. So EA changed the file structures and names between 7.0.10 and 7.0.31. I'm sure you know this already, but I'm going through the...
  7. Fireball

    Custom houses - AddonGen and UO Architect help please

    OK. It looks like UO Architect patches the MUL files. Unfortunately it doesn't like the latest client and throws an error. Same goes for UO Fiddler. They both work OK with the older client but not 7.0.31 that I'm using. The files are named differently to previous versions and have a UOP...
  8. Fireball

    Custom houses - AddonGen and UO Architect help please

    I want people to be able to buy the deed from the house vendor. How do I go about adding this building to the Multi.mul ?
  9. Fireball

    Custom houses - AddonGen and UO Architect help please

    OK guys, I have now created a castle-sized "Palace" in GreenAcres and run addongen on it which has created a file PalaceAddon.cs which when I try to place it says it can only be placed in a house I own. I presume I now have to convert this into something I can add to the houses.cs file? I...
  10. Fireball

    Custom houses - AddonGen and UO Architect help please

    Thank you very much, guys. Dian, I think the difference is possibly the opposite to what you suggested in terms of server saves. In fact, I created the "stable" in Moonglow a few days previously. I also decorated and added the spawner and made the hay and stuff like that non moveable. A few...
  11. Fireball

    Custom houses - AddonGen and UO Architect help please

    Any further input from anyone please? Why did this work the first time if I can't do it again? it is possible that I used the [freeze command the first time, but I can't make it happen again. Is there something I can do to make this possible? Thanks FB
  12. Fireball

    Custom houses - AddonGen and UO Architect help please

    That sounds tedious! But it did work the first time I tried it...
  13. Fireball

    Custom houses - AddonGen and UO Architect help please

    Hi, I want to add a handful of custom houses to my shard which will be available for purchase as a deed. I am running RunUO Version 2.4, Build 5043.26759 I have installed UO Architect 2.7 final and using the Addon Generator from Nerun's Distro (CEO's 1.2) When I ran RunUO I initially came up...
  14. Fireball

    XML Spawner latest version will not compile

    Hi, I am trying to get XML Spawner to work with RunUO but I get an error and two warnings when compiling which seems to indicate that a date variable is the incorrect data type. I have tried this on my live shard and also on a clean 2.4 install. It appears to point at one of the code areas...
  15. Fireball

    First post

    Thank you guys
  16. Fireball

    First post

    Hi, I am Fireball Thanks

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