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  1. Swoo

    cant edit player stats when cap reached

    thank u soo much =) ur right.. raw made my day hehe
  2. Swoo

    Large BOD gives Small

    is there a useable script out now? i only found the cumulative thing... but i would prefer the "Large BODs give all the Smalls" :)
  3. Swoo


    i put that into custom scripts, but when ingame using [spellbar it says thats not a valid command... maybe i have to put it somewhere else?
  4. Swoo

    magic wands (fireball,lightning, etc)

    hi, i remember that years ago there were magic wand, fireball, lightning ,etc. and they were triggerd via doubleclick, they came with different charges. Is there a script out for this wands? Or are they still available?
  5. Swoo

    Do someone have a script for mystic vendor & Sea Monger?

    first of all is this the right place in forum for this question? second: Do someone have a script for mystic vendor & Sea Monger? he can provide/share with me? :) its for my private server iam running with a few friends. Fishing Quests would be awesome too if somebody have a script for it :P...
  6. Swoo

    cant edit player stats when cap reached

    Hi, latest client, publish54 iam not able to edit player stats e if someone hits the 225 cap. neither with [set, nor in the properties. As an example i want to lower dex from 26 to 16 in properties after change dex stays on 26. Is there a third method were i can change? How can i change...
  7. Swoo

    [who gump

    hi, i tried knive chat, but i got errors while compiling and at the moment iam not good enough in scripting to solve :D maybe i will try it a second time, sounds easier than the other options.
  8. Swoo

    manage drop rate for spellweaving and mysticism scrolls

    hi, publish 54 & latest client. I want to higher the chance for highend mysticism scrolls and spellweaving scrolls drop. it seems that only the highend bosses drop such scrolls on my server, like dreadhorn or primeeval lich. even Swoop or miasma dont drop spellweaving scrolls like it seems...
  9. Swoo

    [who gump

    Hi, i edited \Scripts\Gumps\WhoGump.cs with: CommandSystem.Register("Who", AccessLevel.Player, new CommandEventHandler(WhoList_OnCommand)); CommandSystem.Register("WhoList", AccessLevel.Player, new CommandEventHandler(WhoList_OnCommand)) Changing the accesslevel, so that all players can...
  10. Swoo

    Solen Hive entrances gone

    awesome =) thank u soo much =) such easy lol
  11. Swoo

    Character online status

    hi, is there a script out were players can see which other players are online?
  12. Swoo

    Solen Hive entrances gone

    Hi, publish54, latest client. I have no entrances for solen hive, when i go there using gmtools the black transport holes are not working too, but the hive is fully spawned. Anybody a clue how to spawn entrances and bring the whole to work?
  13. Swoo

    how can i add simple chat function with [c ?

    thank u so much... iam really impressed :) i will try both and will see what fits best... and thank u for the link, too =) as i see vita is for run.uo? can i use run.uo rescources for servUO as well? iam confused ;)
  14. Swoo

    gold in bank invisible

    it works, fantastic... thank u so much :)
  15. Swoo

    how can i add simple chat function with [c ?

    i want a simple global chat for my server. how can i add simple chat function with [c ? i tried knive chat script but get many errors. (using publish 54 and latest osi patched client) or maybe i can change access level of broadcast ([b) to everyone :P but how?
  16. Swoo

    gold in bank invisible

    hi, iam running publish 54 and latest client, when i put gold or checks in bankbox it vanishes. Its still there but invisible like it seems on a few minters i can see my balance while typing balance and can withdraw it with withdraw. How can i change this that i can see my gold and checks in...

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