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  1. Plant Sprinklers Version 2.0

    This is a Plant Sprinkler system based off using Avelyn-Runuo's Plant Water Sprinkler. Added all the potion sprinklers and changed the water sprinkler. These now have uses (will say water remaining or potions remaining on them). Removed...
  2. Player Vendor Gear

    Thanks guys, I wound up figuring it out, it was in the AllowEquipFrom and the CheckNonlocalLift functions. Was able to make what I wanted working. Thanks again!
  3. Custom Hues / Pony / Dye Tub

    Does anyone know if this is still up to date? I guess I will check and see.
  4. Universal Storage Keys

    So all you have to do to fix this is change this _ChestMap = map.ChestMap; to this _ChestMap = map.Facet; Haven't had any problems after that. This will keep them stating the correct facet inside the ItemEntry gump when you add them to the keys
  5. Davies Locker

    Also if you try to add a map from the ground your client crashes? Maybe that is just me though I dunno.
  6. Player Vendor Gear

    Hmmm, Are you talking the old gear gump in the old system where u could just pick this item and color? I was stating that if u open their paperdoll, you can just pull stuff off and place back on if you are the vendor owner.
  7. Player Vendor Gear

    Out of curiosity, does anyone know where it decides on player npcs if the player can modify the gear on the paperdoll? Was trying to figure that out. Thanks!
  8. OWLTR 4.0 for ServUO Pub 54

    Yeah they have moved files to new spots and fixed things. Just cuz it says Pub54 doesn't mean there isn't revisions. I'd start with a fresh repo, as that is what i use so my fixes might be different.
  9. OWLTR 4.0 for ServUO Pub 54

    Try this one see if it works. I moved it to a diff location.
  10. OWLTR 4.0 for ServUO Pub 54

    I don't think its theirs, i think its something merging in improperly cuz mine has em all the same way and i compile fine, which was why first i had asked about their Loot.cs cuz unless im missing something (which i could be) i dont see a problem with that section. even with the packmagicitems
  11. OWLTR 4.0 for ServUO Pub 54

    Remove the packmagicitems stuff and see if it compiles.
  12. OWLTR 4.0 for ServUO Pub 54

    Those are normal, so either something you added in made that error, or something in your loot.cs is messed up (if u edited that at all)
  13. OWLTR 4.0 for ServUO Pub 54

    Try this. see if it compiles I commented out all those things that I don't think need to be there anymore.
  14. Daat99's World Omniporter For ServUO

    So removing one from its location and using it say in my backpack as staff, crashes the server. Edit: Fixed the issue. Disregard.
  15. RevRaffle

    Changes to ServUO cause this to no longer work? Just curious....threw on a fresh install and wasn't working properly. At end it deletes stuff but doesn't do an announcement of who won, or give the item out. Thanks!
  16. Moindain Quest Cool down timer?

    Out of curiosity is there anyway to make those go by account and not just player? Thanks!
  17. Moindain Quest Cool down timer?

    Thanks everyone I figured it out by using this: public override TimeSpan RestartDelay { get { return TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30); } }
  18. Moindain Quest Cool down timer?

    Just curious if there is a way using the Mondain's Quest system to add cool-offs for after a quest is complete?
  19. OWLTR 4.0 for ServUO Pub 54

    Updated the BOBLargeEntry.cs to give back the correct Large Bod. Fixes where it was giving back a Carp Large bod if the Lbod was Fletch and was giving a Fletch if Lbod was Carpenter. Easy fix.
  20. OWLTR 4.0 for ServUO Pub 54

    Slowly but surely we will get this updated to newest lol

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