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  1. WarWeeD

    Cristal Wall

    oh very nice work! not minor edit at all. Ty for sharing it :D
  2. WarWeeD

    Purple Grass - dirt

    WarWeeD submitted a new resource: Purple Grass - dirt - Purple grass textures and tiles, with transitions to dirt. Blackrock to purplegrass (texture only) Read more about this resource...
  3. WarWeeD

    Purple Grass - dirt 0.9

    Here u got a purplegrass i did recently with trasition to dirt (textures and tiles), U can use it with normal dirt. I also add DarkRock with trasitions to purple grass, but only textures, i havent done the tiles and I will not cause I dont see it neccesary. The idea was to create a new bioma...
  4. WarWeeD

    Cristal Wall

    WarWeeD submitted a new resource: Cristal Wall - Cristal wall Read more about this resource...
  5. WarWeeD

    Cristal Wall 2020-05-04

    Here are 2 cristal walls I done by me. Hope you enjoy it. Just set it on tiledata to be transparent and enjoy amazing effect .

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