Search results

  1. Yaron89

    Nasty Purple Chicken 2018-07-23

    This should be just a plug and play for anyone that has runuo. It is based off of one of the critters within... and it's just dyed purple. Warning, this guy is mean... beyond mean. He's not your regular farm chicken!!
  2. Yaron89

    Armor and Weapon Bless Deeds

    Yaron89 submitted a new resource: Armor and Weapon Bless Deeds - Item bless deeds. These two deeds are for armor and weapons. Read more about this resource...
  3. Yaron89

    Armor and Weapon Bless Deeds 1.0

    These are based off of the clothing bless deeds that come with RunUO, I am going to look into making item bless deeds later but this is an Armor bless deed and a Weapons bless deed as a quick fix. I'm going to see about making a jewelry bless deed. You will need to replace your base armor and...
  4. Yaron89

    Bag of Holding for RunUO

    Yaron89 submitted a new resource: Bag of Holding for RunUO - The bag of holding Read more about this resource...
  5. Yaron89

    Bag of Holding for RunUO 1.0

    I kind of hack and slashed this and put it together from a mix of Bittiez reagent bag and and a bag of strength script I had found. Anyways, I give you - A limited bag of holding. It will not carry more than x amount of weight and, it will not carry more than 125 items (as most players can't...
  6. Yaron89

    RunUO Character Login Timer

    Figured out how to fix it! O.o It was a quick fix but I fixed it. What I did was (and you can change the name of this script as well, I'm not too upset if someone else uses it) It's just basically a 'hack and slash' of TestCenter. Just grabbing something and then enabling it from the tip top...
  7. Yaron89

    RunUO Character Login Timer

    How would I go about changing the character login timer. The characters disappear already on time out due to another script I have. I am wondering how do I get it to where the players don't have to wait forever to login with another character
  8. Yaron89

    Join us on Dream Sphere! We aim to be an OSI like server! We have 125 soft cap for each stat...

    Join us on Dream Sphere! We aim to be an OSI like server! We have 125 soft cap for each stat! 1200 skill cap!
  9. Yaron89

    RunUO Always Snow

    I noticed that, we've decided we're actually going to give the shard a story as to why it's always snowy in the north part of the shard. :) I think it'll have a 'unique' feel with a back story.
  10. Yaron89

    RunUO Always Snow

    Okay, so I have another question! How do I remove the snow (We already have a seasons changer script) And we set the seasons. Changed map files. We cannot seem to remove all the snow. We are using client # and this is the issue we keep having.
  11. Yaron89

    Stam regeneration - pre aos

    I was looking around for something to help with this! Thank you so much! This greatly helps!!!
  12. Yaron89

    RunUO Stamina loss

    Thank you so much!! This was really helpful information that I hadn't seen! Awesome, I tested it out and the changes work great!! Much appreciated!!!!
  13. Yaron89

    RunUO Stamina loss

    So, what I'm looking for at this moment, is a way to cause stamina loss to not be such an issue (i.e. you don't loose as much when you get hit). I don't know where that script is, and I would really like to find it. One of my beta testers was telling me that everytime he gets hit by something...
  14. Yaron89

    Runnin Dream Sphere's Beta Testing! Join us!

    Runnin Dream Sphere's Beta Testing! Join us!
  15. Yaron89

    Knive Chat Reborn

    Scripts removed from Xanthos & Knives chat to make it work properly: The ENTIRE spellcrafting system from Xanthos (it wasn't working and kept crashing the server) MOTD from Xanthos Utilities (I think there was one other script I had to remove but I can't, for the live of me, find it.) This was...
  16. Yaron89

    Knive Chat Reborn

    Yaron89 submitted a new resource: Knive Chat Reborn - Private Messages, World Chat, etc. Read more about this resource...
  17. Yaron89

    Knive Chat Reborn 2018-07-15

    This is a rebuild of the previous Knive Chat I uploaded. I used the latest beta I could find and edited the script to ensure that there was no crashing that happened due to a fault I had found in the script. This will run smoothly with the latest version of RunUO with no crashing whatsoever...
  18. Yaron89

    Knives Script (with other stuff)

    Okay, so this is updated so there isn't a crash when hitting the 1 button on the mail menu. I don't know if anyone else had this issue but I had this issue. This works with RunUO just fine, I'm not sure how well it will work with ServUO but I hope you guys enjoy!!!
  19. Yaron89

    Knives Script (with other stuff)

    Yaron89 submitted a new resource: Knives Script (with other stuff) - Private Messages, World Chat, etc. Read more about this resource...
  20. Yaron89

    Knives Script (with other stuff) 2018-07-14

    This is something I kind of pulled from somewhere off of github. Anyways, I couldn't find a working version of kniveschat until... I found this source. The link above is my modifications to get it running on my runuo server, that will work with any runuo server. The link below, I am uncertain...

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