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  1. Kilra Yan

    quest items not counting

    Great catch PyrO! thank you! So the case is close now
  2. Kilra Yan

    quest items not counting

    I did test also in the EC test server which is keeping up Norman and got the quest from Norton, obtained fishes are not getting counted
  3. Kilra Yan

    Sea Market

    Unfortunatly system will self delete references if they share the same uniqueid
  4. Kilra Yan

    quest items not counting

    this is easy to explain probably cause I changed the location of the npc while quest was active. I test it now with the original location. Edit: tested also with Broolol in Hearthwood, so without changing him location and bug still occur. Wonder if anyone else share this issue
  5. Kilra Yan

    quest items not counting

    both client with a player character & account sharing same issue
  6. Kilra Yan

    quest items not counting

    Unfortunatly... I tested in gmoff should I try also with a scrath not gm accounted player?
  7. Kilra Yan

    quest items not counting

    Took "Ancient World Quest" from Lorekeeper Broolol, which requires a Fragment of a Map to be completed. You get the Fragment of a Map from an evil healer or add into your pack. The quest will not allow to finish as not counting the item as collected. Do anyone share that issue? I tested...
  8. Kilra Yan

    Change the color of an items name

    Unfortunatly the EC client do not manage any basefont or color methods, so name will be displayed in the same yellow fun way everytime :D
  9. Kilra Yan

    Change the color of an items name

    Nono many items returns null when name is prompted... in [props you see Name -> null they have a label number the answer to a possible workaround lies here, (I took a few time to discover). but having still trouble during cicloc...
  10. Kilra Yan

    Change the color of an items name

    How to change color of an item name for example, which I need to pass as variable? I tested this.Name = String.Format("<BASEFONT COLOR=#1EFF00>{0}<BASEFONT COLOR=#FFFFFF>", itemname ); and name just disappear. If I use instead this.Name = "<BASEFONT COLOR=#A335EE>test</font>"; I have the...
  11. Kilra Yan

    Useful IsEquipped check

    I wrote a function which check if player has any input item equipped Basically it works like that: supposed you have to discover if player has the Axe Of Abadon equipped you call if (IsEquipped (mobile as PlayerMobile, Axeofabadon)) { do this } could become useful in order not to recall...
  12. Kilra Yan

    Town Crier Advanced

    there's an issue with that: each restart towncrier stops. Must be deserialized. To fix replace this public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader ) { base.Deserialize( reader ); int version = reader.ReadInt(); switch ( version ) { case 0: { m_Custom =...
  13. Kilra Yan

    NeRun's Static Exporter

    Edit: no my vers probably it's more recent
  14. Kilra Yan

    NeRun's Static Exporter

    I have a similar vers... but this seems to me more complete. I know there is an issue with doors, I have to test if it had been resolved.
  15. Kilra Yan

    EC ServUo Test Center

    I am into, no one around? I need some commands here
  16. Kilra Yan

    Iron Beetle

    it's basically the same, mine has few new changes. According with the new recent updates. Maybe worth merge the two posts or throw a look into.
  17. Kilra Yan

    Quest for beginner equipment(Human)

    Set brianna like that: Blessed = true;
  18. Kilra Yan

    Iron Beetle

    Kilra Yan submitted a new resource: Iron Beetle - iron beetle underworld Read more about this resource...
  19. Kilra Yan

    Iron Beetle 2016-02-11

    This is iron beetle from underworld folder (in my servuo folder) I really cant figure out where it comes from, I used to compare many other repo keeping servuo as main and I realized this looks much more improved then plain one (include a new drop item) Maybe worth be useful as testing...
  20. Kilra Yan

    Serpent Pillars!

    No problem Norman, as you can see I didnt put it in bugreports. Could be useful as compare reasons tho. *I tested serpent pillars, actually these are not compatible with a smooth system (ex New Boats system)

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