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  1. No Ammo

    Is there a way to do this with individual weapons?
  2. Xanthos EVO Prts

    My server keeps crashing everytime I have one of the evo pets out from Xanthos Suite. I am wonder if there is a fix for this. ServUO Version 0.5, Build 7886.37689 Operating System: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0 .NET Framework: 4.0.30319.42000 Time: 09-Aug-21 21:17:39 Mobiles: 42116 Items...
  3. Custom pets

    Hi all I have made a custom mobile that is tamable and I was wondering if there is a way to get it to work with the pet training system on servo pub57? I used the CuSidhe as the base
  4. Xantho's Suite

    just wonder if anyone else is have a crash problem when you have two or more evo pets on the guard command. Crash Report Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Xanthos.Evo.EvoMageAI.DoOrderGuard() in B:\User\Donavan\Desktop\Midgard...
  5. Xantho's Suite

    How do you bring up the gump to mate the evopets and the EvoActionGump. Just wondering if I have a bug or if I am missing somthing
  6. Xantho's Suite

    How long is the hatch timer
  7. revamped bio pet system for standalone in the newest serv uo publish

    If you mimic a human for a bio pet can you equip them with gear?
  8. Level System Extreme

    just one other question. How do you change what they sell.
  9. Level System Extreme

    was wondering what the bonus venders are suppose to sell? I have set one of each on my server and they all sell the same stuff.
  10. OWLTR 4.0 for ServUO Pub 54

    Hi I am trying to make a server for my house hold. The problem I have with OWLTR is that I have the option set to use the master storage for crating resources and reagents. But it is not pulling regs when I cast a spell, it will pull for crafting.
  11. Pet Experience Scroll

    Hi I think this is broken for me. I can only add the 10,000 to my pets. All the other say that I nee less EXP to level. I've check and I didn't. And the 10,000 didn't pop with that warning when my pet only had 5000 to got to level. Edit: I did find that the EXP in the admin profile to...

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