Search results

  1. MoreBeer

    Need some help. Confused.

    I found some of the Npc's and removed the items.. but it seems so random. Running a custom map and the necro was a vendor here from Servuo. I had made some custom quests and added Armor/Clothing to those quests a while back. But didn't have this issues when I First made any of this. Just Started...
  2. MoreBeer

    Need some help. Confused.

    kk, Thanks! Apricate your response. Wonder why it chose to Start up now. Wasn't a issue before and as far as i know nothing changed. as long as there isn't a null crash.. guess its okay. still don't like seeing red on the server side =D
  3. MoreBeer

    Need some help. Confused.

    Have this strange issue hitting server today. It was fine. But now as i run around i keep seeing this pop up from names? Anyone know why? Or how to Fix?
  4. MoreBeer

    Data Base of UO Architect

    MoreBeer submitted a new resource: Data Base of UO Architect - over 1600 designs of .uoa Files Read more about this resource...
  5. MoreBeer

    Data Base of UO Architect 2023-01-24

    I cant take any credit for these files (maybe a handful), some of the files go all the way back to 2004. Some are from Here on Servuo and recent. There is some amazing art and I felt sense this is a good size data base of UO Architect files and collecting for 20 years, Be cool to pass it out...
  6. MoreBeer

    Custom Maps
  7. MoreBeer

    Looking for help with name Hue

    You Da Man PyrO thanks
  8. MoreBeer

    Looking for help with name Hue

    Struggling to change a name hue on a Mobile. receive this error.
  9. MoreBeer

    Graphics not capturing in addondeeds

    I've noticed sometimes have to make some strange (square) angle captures to get them to work. Screen size's and what not. Normally ill go into the void of black around some dungeon to make them. having to adjust the screen using ClassicUO and make very large square capturers of the item I'm...
  10. MoreBeer

    Anyone Know what these are? No clue.

    Fair enough. Hopefully Hestia wont break my fingers. I think i got them all here.
  11. MoreBeer

    Anyone Know what these are? No clue.

    yeah, custom shard. the wings where posted here on servuo and we added those and made them custom. Just something we added. there not items i guess as far as i know. they where art added. we where trying to figure out how to ID them and label them. My knowledge of UO is out dated and thought...
  12. MoreBeer

    Anyone Know what these are? No clue.

    Don't remember. LOL! sad I know right? some web site be my guess. thanks anyway.
  13. MoreBeer

    Anyone Know what these are? No clue.

    There Under Reagents but no clue what they are. Anyone willing to enlighten me please =D
  14. MoreBeer

    Question Regarding Animations

    if your adding and not replacing it. I would think there would have to be a script for the critter? in that case you would have to make up something then call the Id number for that using the Graphic (0x1B) number or what ever it is your calling? example : Constructable] public...
  15. MoreBeer

    Question Regarding Animations

    ahh i see the issue. so the animation tab will have numbers next to the name (1) (2) ect. those numbers are the animation that when you go into settings must line up. best way i can describe the edit is its close to maps. each file has X amount of Monsters/Items ect on it. so where ever you put...
  16. MoreBeer

    Question Regarding Animations

    I'm not sure I understand the question. Items? Mobs? Items are different and there are a few good explanations on how to add those to Fiddle here on servuo. If your asking how to configure and script a monster with the animation ID, I'm sorry I cant really help you. Like i said I'm no pro and...
  17. MoreBeer

    Question Regarding Animations

    I'm no pro at this and I'm not sure how to add one to a red slot yet. But to replace one here are the steps I've found. Step 1. under animations down at the bottom is the settings you want to Navigate to. Animation Edit. Step 2. Choose the Animation slot your looking to put the new .VD file...
  18. MoreBeer

    Spawning Stealable Items

    LampPostArtifact/Mov able/False/STEALABLE /True works okay for me?
  19. MoreBeer

    Custo Map - HELP

    I don't think her files support the later clients. I could be wrong, but from her web site she has instructions on witch client it will work up to. At least last time i checked. To convert files to UOP there are several "How To" to look up. the "plug in" you will need ect. I would suggest using...

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