Search results

  1. SeifUO

    Flamethrower Effect

    Youre on the right path, just need to take a look at OnFired and OnHit from BaseRanged
  2. SeifUO

    Ultima Adventures - A full featured, content packed offline/online server

    Pretty cool that people keep this going, is the main owner still around?
  3. SeifUO

    Make NPC talk in Spirit Speak

    What error are you getting
  4. SeifUO

    New Queen Dress GUMP and ART Item for Backpack

    Looks amazing!
  5. SeifUO


    Well its normal, the "Bless" function has to be triggered by something, now its only triggered by the creation of the NPC which is weird and not very optimal. Try the "OnThink This is whats currently doing the bless spell "Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.0), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10.0)...
  6. SeifUO


    Did not try your NPC but it looks like its gonna cast the spell but there is no target involved
  7. SeifUO

    Hello everyone!

  8. SeifUO

    Regeant Bag

    You most likely changed something in the serialization
  9. SeifUO

    Veterinary training, no getting gains

    I believe you can only start gaining when doing res attempts at 80 vet / lore
  10. SeifUO

    UO Gump Editor

    Will surely try it! thanks for revamping such a great tool
  11. SeifUO

    Trees and Plants - Set 2

    Looks great!
  12. SeifUO


  13. SeifUO

    I am not a bot

  14. SeifUO

    Legendary Master of Skills

    Never thought of going for player serials for that kind of stuff, smart but could it be potentially dangerous?
  15. SeifUO

    HOMELESS! Need a shard for a veteran Youll have ALOT to do :)
  16. SeifUO

    Unchained - UOR/AOS

    Unchained is potentially looking for people who would like to be part of our team. We have been online for more than a year now with community that is constantly growing. Unchained is a one of a kind UOR/AOS server which means that instead of having to log in a different server to experience...
  17. SeifUO

    How to one time champ spawn

    Just set the auto restart to false
  18. SeifUO

    OSI plant replacements

    Looks amazing! Especially the autumn sprites
  19. SeifUO


  20. SeifUO

    Hi all!


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