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  1. SeifUO

    Completely Customizable Vendor Issues

    Just find its constructable and set it to visible = false I guess.
  2. SeifUO

    Legality of RunUO

    Tell that to the people who tries to emulate WoW
  3. SeifUO

    Block Sailing

    You could create new regions and make them return falses OnEnter
  4. SeifUO

    Pre-AOS Magic Reflection

    Well its supposed to reflect the spell, right now the pre AOS magic reflect spell in the repo is only doing a visual effect
  5. SeifUO

    Pre-AOS Magic Reflection

    I really cant get it to work. Tried multiple ways and its only doing the "bubble" effect and the mobile is still taking damage for some reasons. Ive seen different threads about this but no one ever figured it out so Im wondering someone had an answer to this in 2021 :P Thanks alot!
  6. SeifUO

    ALL custom house

    What if were using PRE AOS and want to see roofs and stuff? Looks like HouseFoundation.cs but Im not certain what else public static void Initialize() { EventSink.MultiDesign += QueryDesignDetails; PacketHandlers.RegisterExtended(0x1E, true, new...
  7. SeifUO

    Skill Bonus

    Not entirely certain why this is not being effective public virtual void AlterMeleeDamageTo(Mobile to, ref int damage) { if(this is BaseCreature && ((BaseCreature)this).Controlled && to is BaseCreature && ((BaseCreature)to).IsMonster) { int...
  8. SeifUO

    All-In-One: Installer, Patcher, Launcher (IPL)

    This looks amazingly useful, Thank you!
  9. SeifUO

    Special Abilities/Weapon Abilities

    I somehow cant get creatures to use weapon abilitieson Pre AOS . Anyone knows where I should be looking at to tweak the codes? Thank you!
  10. SeifUO

    custom map and cartography

    Anyone ever figured this out?
  11. SeifUO

    Umbrella with 11 CC actions in "peace"

    Looking neat! What about this minotaur tho? Where is it from?
  12. SeifUO

    Bodyvalues and Pre-AOS

    Anyone know what triggers custom bodyvalues depending on expansion? Lets say I set my expansion to AOS, my bodyvalues are going to be fine. If I switch to UOR, some bodyvalues are going to be messed up/not the same. If I switch back to UOR, its going to be fine but itll revert after some time...
  13. SeifUO

    Invasion System

    Any reason why guard zones arent being automatically disabled when an invasion starts?
  14. SeifUO

    Someone can help me with customization?

    Well if you want to double damage on spells to creature you could simply go in basecreature and add a scalar *2
  15. SeifUO

    Item Properties

    Figured id ask here before wasting hours looking thru too much codes :P I was wondering if it was possible to have item/name properties enabled on UOR? I am aware of the bool in CurrentExpansion.cs but even if I change ObjectPropertyList.Enabled = Core.UOR; like this. Its still only set to...

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