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  1. Ixtabay

    How to return player race?

    That's what I needed! Thanks, here is the final result:
  2. Ixtabay

    How to return player race?

    How do I use IsGarg() in an if statement? I basically want to to execute this line if the player is a Gargoyle: this.AddCheck(65, 425, 2510, 2511, false, (int)SkillName.Throwing);
  3. Ixtabay

    How to return player race?

    New error... Errors: + _Custom/SkillBallPlus.cs: CS0103: Line 132: The name 'mob' does not exist in the current context Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
  4. Ixtabay

    How do I make player use an item?

    HomeStone.cs source here here. To take possession, this is the method private void SwitchOwner(Mobile from) { if ( owner == null ) // double check.. { owner = from; from.SendMessage("You take possession...
  5. Ixtabay

    How to return player race?

    Tried that and got errors: Errors: + _Custom/SkillBallPlus.cs: CS0117: Line 24: 'Server.Race' does not contain a definition for 'Gargyole' CS0103: Line 132: The name 'mob' does not exist in the current context Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were...
  6. Ixtabay

    How to return player race?

    How would I use this in an if statement? thanks for the help!
  7. Ixtabay

    How do I make player use an item?

    During character creation, I give players an item they need to take possession of by 2xclicking it. How can I make this happen automatically? PackItem(new Homestone());
  8. Ixtabay


    I updated it so it hides the check boxes where skills don't belong in the expansion. I am working on a way to hide throwing for non-Gargoyles, but having some trouble getting Mobile.Race into a variable I can use.
  9. Ixtabay

    How to return player race?

    public bool IsGarg(Mobile mob, bool isGarg) { if (mob.Race == Race.Gargoyle) return isGarg=true; else return isGarg=false; } bool isGarg = new IsGarg(); This doesn't work. Any ideas?
  10. Ixtabay

    How to return player race?

    I'm trying to put the final touches on my SkillBallPlus.cs I need to get the player's race in order to decide whether or not they can choose throwing. Any help appreciated!
  11. Ixtabay


    Ixtabay submitted a new resource: SkillBallPlus.cs - [add SkillBallPlus Read more about this resource...
  12. Ixtabay

    SkillBallPlus.cs 2022-01-26

    Helpfull item if you want to give players a boost, plus items to go with selected skills. Set your SkillBallPlus to a number of skills and level you want to raise them. The player will receive helpful items in their backpack based on their selections. The SkillBallPlus can be added to...
  13. Ixtabay

    SkillBallPlus.cs [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  14. Ixtabay

    MyRunUO for ServUO

    Just updated. Added players online to Home, move old home info to top of About, fixed some alignment issues with Players and Guilds
  15. Ixtabay

    MyRunUO for ServUO

    You know, I have always had issues with mono and ODBC on linux. Here is a MySQL version of MyRunUO scripts for mono: Installing .NET MySQL Connector create a working directory (i.e. mysql) mkdir mysql cd mysql Download the connector wget...
  16. Ixtabay

    Getting server information into variables

    I'm rewriting MyRunUO and need help getting the following information into variables using c#: Emu type Number of players online Total items Total mobs Expansion Starting with Expansion. (static) ExpansionInfo CurrentExpansion( get; ) (static) ExpansionInfo[] Table( get; ) (static)...
  17. Ixtabay

    php script to return server status

    You can only check to see if the port is open, but you won't be able to perform fread/fwrite type functions with curl. So, if you just want to check up/down status, you could try something like this: $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,"localhost:2593"); curl_setopt($ch...
  18. Ixtabay

    SkillBallPlus.cs [Deleted]

    Ixtabay updated SkillBallPlus.cs with a new update entry: SkillBallPlus rewrite! Read the rest of this update entry...
  19. Ixtabay

    using MySql.Data; using MySql.Data.MySqlClient; in Scripts

    I did find a workaround. If I move it into the server folder and compile with the server it works fine.
  20. Ixtabay

    using MySql.Data; using MySql.Data.MySqlClient; in Scripts

    Didn't work. Here is what I've tried: Added the package: sudo gacutil /i /package 4.5 MySql.Data.dll Copying the MySql.Data.dll to the same directory Using full path (i.e. /usr/lib/mono/gac/MySql.Data/ ) Updated machine.config for 4.0 and 4.5 The crazy...

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